The Scout Report for Social Sciences - August 24, 1999

August 24, 1999

A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.

The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.

In This Issue


Learning Resources

Current Awareness

New Data

In The News


National Anthropological Archives (NAA)
"The National Anthropological Archives collects and preserves historical and contemporary anthropological materials that document the world's cultures and the history of the discipline." The NAA site is an excellent means to accomplish the first stage of anthropological archival research from a remote location. Their online Guide to the Collections of the National Anthropological Archives includes for each entry "a title, biographical data or administrative history, an indication of the type of documents available, and a description of contents (often including lengthy lists of authors, photographers, and correspondents)" as well as assessments of the state of the material and its possible research uses. The site's online exhibits feature substantive reviews of selected collections in the Archives, including photographs and facsimiles. In addition, NAA links to the Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS) (see the March 26, 1999 Scout Report) and offers a useful discussion of search strategies. The site provides information and costs for ordering photographs and manuscripts from both the NAA and the SIRIS collections. [DC]
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Trial of the Major German War Criminals
The Nizkor Project, an organization dedicated to combatting racist propaganda on the Web and elsewhere (see the June 18, 1999 Scout Report), has recently added the British Transcripts of the Trials of the Major German War Criminals to its section devoted to the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. Online volumes currently cover the last two months of the trials, with other volumes to complete the set to follow. The site also proffers links to other transcript versions of the trials archived at the Yale Law School's Avalon project (see the April 4, 1997 Scout Report) and at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as well as materials reposted from the Office of United States Chief of Counsel For Prosecution of Axis Criminality. [DC]
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The Peale Family Papers
Housed at the Smithsonian Institution's National Portrait Gallery, The Charles Willson Peale Family Papers is a boon to researchers in the history and culture of America from the 1730s to the 1880s. Comprised of copies of more than 6,000 documents, spanning three generations of the Peale family, "the archive traces the family's history from the arrival of Charles Peale, a transported felon, through the career of Charles Willson Peale -- artist, Revolutionary soldier, naturalist and museum keeper, and Enlightenment polymath -- down through the nineteenth-century careers and lives of his many children." Unfortunately, the papers themselves are not accessible online, but the site features essays discussing the papers, the history of the Peale family, and the editorial philosophy behind the publication of the first four volumes of the Peale Family Papers. (The entire collection is currently available in microfiche, and bibliographic information about this resource and the print publications of the papers are provided on-site.) The Website also features a photo gallery of paintings either by or of Peale family members. [DC]
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Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Congressional Commission Report [.pdf] (1610K)
Available on Senator Arlen Specter's Website, this massive document is the fruit of the Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. In short, it's an assessment of the state of weapons proliferation in places the United States sees as potential national security threats, from insecure Russian stockpiles of nuclear weapons to Saddam Hussein's reputed supplies of Anthrax. While not all readers will agree with either the rather alarmist tone of the document's scenarios or its admittedly less alarmist recommendations, it is a good source for information concerning the intelligence community's assessment of the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) around the globe. The report offers a table of contents sidebar for easy access to portions of the document. [DC]
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The Holy Bible, King James Version
This Website from the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia offers a complete, browseable, online version of the King James Bible, including all the texts of the apocrypha. Users may search by key words or phrases and group results by match or individual books. Perhaps most appealing to religious scholars and amateur devotees of biblical textual history is a feature that allows users to view the King James translation side-by-side with the Revised Standard Version for comparison. [DC]
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Learning Resources

Describing itself as a hybrid of a portal and a "concise encyclopedia," Encyclozine features encyclopedia-like entries to over 100 topics and quality links to related sites. The site offers students of all ages introductory information on a variety of subjects and then provides quality links for more in-depth study. Most of the topics cover academic subjects, but a number are devoted to games, puzzles, and computers. The entries for topics in science, computers, and mathematics are particularly good. For instance, there is a wonderful entry on fractals and a well-written, concise history of cosmology. (Some of the humanities entries are less inspiring, such as the straight-from-the-old-handbook listing of literary terms in the "literature" entry.) The site also offers a bulletin board for subject-specific discussions, though there weren't many postings when we visited. The publishers and editors of the site are Alan and Lucy Richmond, experienced scientific software developers and founders of the Web Developer's Virtual Library. [DC]
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Images Of Medieval Art And Architecture
Maintained by Alison Stones, a professor of the History of Art and Architecture at the University of Pittsburgh, this Website offers high-quality images of plans, drawings, details, and photographs of a number of Medieval architectural achievements in England and France. The site also boasts an extensive Glossary of Medieval Art that is invaluable for anyone who wants to know the difference between a nave, a choir, and a transept or just what, architecturally speaking, a "flying buttress" really is. The images can be viewed in thumbnail versions or full-scale, for which Stones wisely recommends an external viewer. One caveat: the site is still under construction, and we were unable to link to a few maps and images. [DC]
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National Gallery of Art: The Shaw Memorial Project
This National Gallery site offers images, history, and resources relating to sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens's famous bronze bas relief, unveiled in 1897, commemorating Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th, the first and most famous Black regiment of the Civil War, distinctly honored for its valiancy in battle. Users can examine full-screen photographs of the entire relief or focus in on user-selected segments of the sculpture. The site provides histories of the regiment, Robert Gould Shaw, and the artist, including the story of how the sculpture evolved from a relatively modest (and conventional) equestrian statue of Shaw to its final form, featuring the intensely realized figures of African-American infantrymen on the march. There are also resources for teachers, comprised of lesson plans, a bibliography, and links to related sites. [DC]
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Pete Peterson: Assignment Hanoi
Pete Peterson: Assignment Hanoi is the companion site for the PBS special of the same name airing on Tuesday, September 7. Peterson, a former P.O.W, has been the United States ambassador to Vietnam since 1997, the first such ambassador in 27 years. The site documents Peterson's past in Vietnam as a soldier and then prisoner of war, and his current mission to bring about reconciliation between the two countries. Significant information is provided about Vietnam's recent history, current political and cultural conditions, and diplomatic relations with the United States. A Teacher's Notebook offers useful study plans for the classroom, a Webliography and bibliography for further study, interviews, writing assignments, and more. [DC]
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Literature, Cognition and the Brain
This site, part of the Humanities, Sciences and the Arts Website, explores the connections between the latest cognitive and neurological research and the experience of literature. Literature, Cognition and the Brain includes abstracts, reviews, accounts of work forthcoming or in progress, annotated links to related Websites, and a regularly updated annotated bibliography. The site also features a Starter Kit of Readings in Cognitive Science. Unfortunately, the indexed materials are browseable but not searchable. Useful as both a learning resource and a source for research, the Website is maintained by Alan Richardson, a professor of English at Boston College. [DC]
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Shoujo Manga Home Page
Written by a PhD candidate in cultural anthropology at Columbia University, this site delves into the world of Shoujo Manga, roughly translated as "girls's comics." According to Matthew Thorn, Manga are immensely popular in Japan and not merely among adolescents, with storylines delving into issues of sexuality, friendship, love, history, sci-fi, and even gourmet cooking. The site offers an introduction to the Shoujo Manga genre and a three-part history of its development as well as links to related sites, recommended Shoujo Manga titles, bibliographies, and information about how to get copies of actual issues. Note: a few sections of the site are in Japanese only. [DC]
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Current Awareness
(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage:

New Working Papers

Land Policy Network (LPN), World Bank -- 1999 Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics [.pdf]
Banerjee, A.V. "Land Reforms: Prospects and Strategies"
Full .pdf version (98K):

Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison [.pdf]
Lastarria-Cornhiel, Susana and Jolyne Melmed-Sanjak. "Land Tenancy in Asia, Africa and Latin America: A Look to the Past and a View to the Future"
Full .pdf version (352K):

Commonwealth of Learning
Farrell, Glen. "The Development of Virtual Education: A Global Perspective"
Full text:

Center for Social and Demographic Analysis -- University at Albany, SUNY [.pdf]
1999-5: Raffalovich, Lawrence E. "The Power of Property in Comparative Perspective"
Abstract [.pdf]:
Full .pdf version (67K):
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New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs

Horney, James and Robert Greenstein. "Beyond The Rhetoric: What The Clinton Budget And The Republican Budget Plan Really Propose For Appropriated Programs -- Is The Administration Proposing Substantial New Spending?" -- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Shields, Janice C. "Corporate Welfare and Foreign Policy" -- Foreign Policy in Focus: Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies (Special Report)

"What Will Washington's Medicare Proposals Mean for Beneficiaries? Ten Important Questions Concerning Clinton's Proposal and the Breaux-Thomas Proposal" -- Families USA Foundation

Zarsky, Lyuba. "In Focus: International Investment Rules and the Environment: Stuck in the Mud?" -- Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development

Zedlewski, Sheila R. "Work-Related Activities and Limitations of Current Welfare Recipients" -- The Urban Institute [.pdf]
Full text:
Full .pdf version (226K):
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New Offerings from Academic Publishers

Association of American University Presses: New Releases

Baker&Taylor Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (August 1999)

Perseus Books

Thela Thesis -- Just Published

Oxbow Books -- Publishers of titles on archaeology, classical studies, and medieval studies.
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New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Online Periodicals

iMP: The Magazine on Information Impacts (full-text)

Health Education Research (table of contents, abstracts, and full-text)
"Publishing original, refereed papers, Health Education Research deals with all the vital issues involved in health education and promotion worldwide - providing a valuable link between the researcher and the results obtained by practising health educators and communicators."

BiblioTechReview: News, Analysis and Comment (full-text)

Academic Psychiatry (table of contents, abstracts, full-text free through Summer 1999)

American Journal of Sociology
JSTOR has recently placed online volumes 1-99 (1895-1993) of the American Journal of Sociology.
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The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Annual Conference
March 1-4, 2000
The Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, Maryland

50th Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual Conference
April 10-13, 2000
University College, London, England

World 2000: A Conference on Teaching World History and World Geography
February 11-12, 2000
University of Texas at Austin
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Job Guides/ Funding

H-Net Job Guide

Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science

American Educational Research Association Job Openings

Social Work and Social Services Jobs Online

Academic Employment Network
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New Data

Oriental Institute Archaeology Projects
This Website, maintained by the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, offers comprehensive data on archaeological research sponsored by or affiliated with the Institute. The site features information on "on-going field projects that involve excavations, regional surveys and environmental studies"; analysis of recent field projects; special studies of "published or unpublished data from previous expeditions"; and "synthetic interpretive studies" of ancient Near Eastern civilization. The projects involve studies in archaeozoology, art history, philology, environmental studies, ethnobotany, epigraphy, geomorphology, materials science, and remote sensing. [DC]
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Library History Database: The British Isles -- To 1850
This site contains information on over 27,000 libraries in the British Isles. The database draws on over 1,200 sources to provide listings of libraries all over the British Isles from the late medieval period to 1850. The data is indexed by country, and within countries by county, and within counties by place and name. Alternatively, the material is also indexed by types of libraries, including circulating, subscription, school, industrial, professional, and specialty libraries. A brief summary of statistics on the numbers and types of libraries in the period is also provided. The Website's author, a former Chair in Library Studies at London University, now retired, concludes from this data that, contrary to the conclusions of cultural historians, there were provisions of print "in almost every market town in the British Isles by the year 1820, and by 1850 in hundreds of villages with a population of less than 500 souls." The site is useful not only to those doing research in library history but potentially to anyone doing specialized research in the holdings of UK libraries during the period covered. [DC]
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Department of Labor: Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment, 1997 [.pdf, 2464K]
Released this month by the Department of Labor Statistics, this report gives data on the nation's employment and unemployment by "selected demographic and economic characteristics." It provides annual averages for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the 50 large metropolitan areas, and 17 central cities. The data comes from two main sources: the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey (CPS) and the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program. [DC]
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In The News

A Tale of Two Chinas
1.Yahoo, Top Stories: Taiwan To Build Low-Altitude Missile Shield Against China
2. Asiaweek: Taiwan Candidate Wants A-Bombs To Counter China
3. World Socialist Website: Rival Warplanes Patrol The Taiwan Strait
4. The New York Times: "Taiwan President Implies His Island Is Sovereign State"
5. The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China
6. Mainland Affairs Council, The Executive Yuan, Republic Of China: Guidelines for National Unification
7. New Taiwan, Ilha Formosa
8. US State Department: Background Notes on Taiwan
9. Republic of China: Government Information Office
10. Maps in the news: Taiwan
On Monday, Taiwan's Defense Minister Tang Fei announced Taiwanese plans to build a Missile Shield to combat any missile attack initiated by the People's Republic of China (PRC). This is the latest in a series of statements and events that show the relationship between Taiwan and mainland China rapidly deteriorating in the last two months; the state of hostility is equivalent to that of March 1996 when China fired ICBMs into the Taiwanese straits in an attempt to intimidate Taiwan during a presidential election. At the epicenter of the crisis is an historic statement made by Taiwan's president, Lee Teng-hui, in an interview last month with German Radio. At that time, Lee announced Taiwan was abandoning the fiction of the "one China" policy, which for the last 40 years had allowed each country to declare its government China's legitimate government with an eventual (and inevitable) reunification taking place under its own system. Instead, Lee stated that relations with communist China would now take place on a "state-to-state" basis. The PRC has taken this statement as a virtual declaration of independence and begun provocative military maneuvers in the Taiwanese straits, thus helping to touch off the recent escalation in nuclear rhetoric. For its part, the US continues to support the "one China" policy while simultaneously warning communist China against military aggression.

News stories from Yahoo, Asiaweek, and the World Socialist Website (1, 2, and 3) provide information on the current state of the crisis. The New York Times story of July 13 (4) reports on Lee's provocative announcement. The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China (5) is an official statement from communist China giving their view of the proper destiny of Taiwan. Guidelines for National Reunification (6) is the Taiwanese complement to China's statement, published in 1991 and now superceded, apparently, by Lee's remarks. New Taiwan (7) is the homepage of major Taiwanese organizations in the US working for Taiwan democracy and independence. The page provides a wealth of links to news, policy papers, and related organizations. The State Department's Background Notes on Taiwan (8) offers an extensive summary of the economic and political history of Taiwan as well as a summary of US-Taiwan relations, and an articulation of the official US position on Taiwan sovereignty. Taiwan's Government Information Office (9) has posted texts of speeches and interviews given by President Lee Teng-hui on China-Taiwan relations, including the text of his interview with Deutsche Welle (Voice of Germany) where he first articulated the "state-to-state" approach. Maps in the News (10) features an interactive map of Taiwan that allows users to zoom in on selected portions of the nation's rural and urban topography. [DC]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project

The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.

Susan Calcari
Rachael E. Bower
David Charbonneau
Travis Koplow
Paul M Schwartz
Managing Editor
Production Editor

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Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1999. The Internet Scout Project (, located in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the entire Scout Report provided this paragraph, including the copyright notice, are preserved on all copies.

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