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Secrets of History: The CIA in Iran [.pdf]
This special report from The New York Times on the Web offers conclusive evidence of the United States's involvement in the Iranian military coup d'etat of 1953 that brought the Shah to power. The jewel in the crown here is a mysteriously obtained copy of a still-classified CIA document detailing the "inner workings" of a US plot to overthrow the elected prime minister of Iran and install the Shah. In addition to the document, the Website features an eight-part report detailing the roots of US involvement, the engineering of the coup, and the CIA's failed efforts to enlist the US press in the plan. An archive of contemporaneous articles, photos, and page one stories is also offered, as well as timelines of the coup period and of US/Iran relations from 1941 to the present. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Global Environmental Change
Global Environmental Change (GEC) posts three reports summarizing the findings of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) initiative, running from 1991 to 2000 whose original objective "was to bring social science expertise to bear on global environmental research and, at the same time, to take environmental concerns to the heart of the social sciences." The three reports focus on environmental decisionmaking, global governance, and sustainable production and consumption. Together, they constitute an unusually sustained and thoughtful consideration of how to make environmental decisions more thoughtfully and in line with consistent values and criteria. The reports are accessed through individual tables of contents that include a report summary and sidebar features for more detailed background on certain issues. In addition to these three main reports, the site features other documents, workshop and conference information, and research updates related to the GEC project. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Murray Research Center
This site is hosted by the Henry A. Murray Research Center at Radcliffe college, which "houses the nation's largest social science data archive on human development across the life span." The Website features a summary database for over 200 sociological surveys and studies conducted nationwide. Each entry provides data set abstracts and documentation, data specifications, a bibliography of associated publications and papers, and information about what data is held at the Center. The database is searchable by subject area or by various coding categories (such as sample size, race, age, gender, etc.). Requests for the actual data require registration and application. The requirements are given on-site: click on Accessing Data from the Archive. In addition to reporting on current research being conducted by scholars at the Center, the site also offers links to the Schlesinger Library and the Radcliffe Public Policy Center. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Parliament of Australia
This official Website of the Australian Parliament offers the sort of information one would expect from such a site: information about current members, summaries of pending legislation, historical background, descriptions of the committees of the House and Senate and their functions, and publications of the legislative body. In particular, the Parliamentary Library, which can be linked to from the site map, features an online version of the Parliamentary Handbook giving a history of the parliament and details about current parliamentary activity; background and research papers on pending issues; the Monthly Economic and Social Indicators series (MESI), which contains tables and graphs for the major economic and social indicators of the country; and more. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Information Automation Limited (IAL) Web: Collection Management and Scholarly Electronic Publishing Resource
Last updated April 21st, this Webliography by C.J. Armstrong features linked listings of hundreds of resources on scholarly electronic publishing. The bibliography is divided into five separate sections, covering scholarly electronic publishing in general, licenses and copyrights, authority and digital signatures, preservation and legal deposit, and practical e-publishing. The site is maintained by Information Automation Limited, "a specialist consultancy and research company, operating in the areas of information creation, use and management." [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Institute on Drug Abuse: Anabolic Steroid Abuse
Launched this month by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), this Website offers research about the abuse of anabolic steroids and provides support to educators and policymakers interested in educating the public, especially teenagers, about the problem. The site provides substantial medical information in layman's terms about the composition, use, and potentially harmful effects of steroids. The site also gives statistics from the Institute's Monitoring the Future Study that shows a "significant increase" in steroid use from 1998 to 1999 among middle school males. Links for further information and education strategies are also provided. The Website is part of NIDA's Education Initiative: Science, Steroids, and Youth. [DC]
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Guide to Digital Resources for the Humanities 2000
The CTI (Computers in Teaching Initiative) Center for Textual Studies in the United Kingdom launched in February this web version of their Guide to Digital Resources for the Humanities 2000, but only recently posted its first installment of significant content: "Starting points on the Internet," by Frances Condron. This webliographic essay takes readers through the major digital libraries and archives; gateways; search engines, guides, and tools; discussion lists and email; and computing organizations pertinent to research in the humanities. While there are no surprises here in terms of resources (Arts and Humanities Data Service, Oxford Text Archive, Library of Congress, Internet Detective, Northern Light, and other similarly well-established sites), it is useful to have them all in one place with extensive accompanying explanation of the content and features of each resource. In fact, instructors wishing to introduce university students to responsible Internet research would do well to point their students to this Website. In coming months, subject-specific installments will be added, including Classics and ancient history, Language and linguistics, Literature in English and other languages, Media and film, Philosophy, Teaching, learning and assessment resources, and several others. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Choices for the 21st Century Education Project
Developed by the Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Institute for International Studies at Brown University, this innovative educational resource provides materials devoted to analyzing the choices involved in crucial historical events and contemporary issues. The Institute offers two series. The first, Classroom Publications, provides in-depth lesson plans on topics such as China on the World Stage: Weighing the U.S. Response, and U.S. Trade Policy: Competing in a Global Economy. The second, Choices for the 21st Century, attempts to bring public policy discussions into communities by offering resources for such discussions in local libraries, instructions for seeking funding for such discussion groups, and a calendar of ongoing groups nationwide. [DC]
[Back to Contents]World War II Maps
Posted by the History department at the University of San Diego, this site makes available over 100 strategic maps from World War II. All the major theaters of conflict are represented here from Asia and the South Pacific to Northern Africa, Europe, and the Battle for the Atlantic. Thumbnail versions of the maps are listed in chronological order beginning with a 1939 map of Gibraltar and ending with cartography from the battle for the Philippines in late 1944. The entries also state the source of each map with the majority coming from the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library, the Illustrated London News, the Library of Congress, and the National Archives. Users can click on the thumbnail image to get a full-screen version of the map for further study. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Little House in the Census: Almanzo and Laura Ingalls Wilder
This site from the US Census Bureau is another recent example of its ongoing effort to raise civic consciousness concerning the history and value of the decennial headcount. The site asks students to examine online documents from the 1880 and 1900 census to track the geographic and, to some extent, personal changes in the Wilder family. Questions encourage students to use critical thinking to explain discrepancies in census data as well as to consider the sort of historical hypotheses that might be drawn from the data and commentary in the Census. The materials offered are thoughtful, but somewhat sketchy, so teachers will probably want to work out the instructional details themselves before presenting the site to students. [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Center for Education Statistics (NCES): "K-12 Practitioner's Circle"
Frequently mentioned in this report and in the general Scout Report, the NCES offers a steady stream of valuable data on education. However, keeping up with this data can prove to be a challenge. Thus, this site is a welcome tool for data management. The site presents five sections devoted to different practitioners and observers of education: administrators, teachers, policymakers, librarians, and parents. Each section offers annotated links to NCES news, data, resources, and off-site links likely to be of particular interest to its target audience. The presentation is attractive and informative and should make it easier for frequent users of NCES data to stay abreast. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Jackson Pollock: 1912-1956
This site from the National Gallery of Art explores the career of the famous and controversial postmodern painter, Jackson Pollack. The Website examines the evolution of Pollack's technique from a student of the painter Thomas Hart Benton through his increasing abstractionism to his revolutionary "drippings." Particular attention is paid to the qualities of a 1950 work "Lavender Mist," which Robert Hughes praises as exhibiting "an almost preternatural control over the total effect of those skeins and receding depths of paint." There is also a description, complete with photographs of Pollack working, of his unusual and physically involved (picture a man standing in his canvas) techniques. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Masters of Photography
This Website presents information about 45 "masters of photography," including such recognizable names as Diane Arbus, Walker Evans, Alfred Steiglitz, and Ansel Adams. For each photographer, the site offers a representative selection of photographs arranged in chronological order, links to "articles" about the photographer (typically drawn from the Encyclopedia of Photography entries, but sometimes including excerpts from the photographer's own writings), and Websites featuring the artist. More photographers, including Robert Mapplethorpe, will be posted soon. The site is created and maintained by Webgalleries.com, a Web design and imaging company. [DC]
[Back to Contents]OJR: Online Journalism Review
Published by the University of Southern California Annenberg School of Communication, this e-periodical, updated daily, offers an analysis of current trends and practices in journalism, with a particular emphasis on the Internet. OJR posts features, commentary, a Jobs Board, a frequently updated section featuring Internet resources for reporters, daily European Media News Briefs from the European Journalism Center, and regular columns from established journalists. Recent stories included a report on the LA Times_/_Chicago Tribune merger, a commentary on the reliability of statistics taken from the Internet, and the impact of Internet access on the Palestinian people. [DC]
[Back to Contents]PS Online: "Evaluating Implementation of Web-Based Teaching in Political Science"
Published last fall in the online journal of the American Political Science Association, this article compares instructional results from a traditional course in American government at North Carolina State University to the same course offered in a completely Web-based format. The article reviews the methodology and structure of the Web-based introductory course in American government and evaluates the results of such instruction. While the author states the comparison was "exploratory" rather than rigorously scientific, lacking, for example, the randomization of subjects, the findings offer a useful contribution to the ongoing discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of online instruction and distance learning. [DC]
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National Center for Education Statistics (NCES): "Trends in Educational Equity of Girls & Women" [.pdf]
Report [.pdf, 3692K]:
In response to a Congressional mandate, this report released last week examines "the extent to which males and females have access to the same educational opportunities." The report gives data, primarily from NCES surveys, involving 44 indicators of equality in education opportunities, success, and outcomes. The data show that while the large gap in educational attainment that once existed between the genders has been largely erased, "women continue to lag behind males in mathematics and science achievement in high school and are less likely to major in these fields." Users are advised to print out the report or set their monitor resolution low since the print is difficult to read at standard resolutions. [DC]
[Back to Contents]HUD Report: "Unequal Burden: Income and Racial Disparities in Subprime Lending in America" [.pdf]
Press Release:
Charts [.pdf, 9K]:
Maps [.pdf, 405K]:
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) "has released a study showing that the number of subprime home loans is skyrocketing in predominantly black neighborhoods and low-income neighborhoods." Statistics presented here indicate that lenders may be engaged in "predatory lending," charging much higher interest rates to minorities and the poor than to whites and the middle class. Among the findings: "homeowners in high-income black areas are twice as likely as homeowners in low-income white areas to have subprime loans." [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS): Births: Final Data for 1998 [.pdf, 1132K]
This National Vital Statistics Report presents final data for 1998 on US births according to "a wide variety of maternal demographic characteristics including age, live-birth order, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and educational attainment; maternal lifestyle and health characteristics; medical care utilization; and infant health characteristics." Also presented are birth and fertility rates according to a number of relevant demographic factors. The report states that births in the United States increased two percent in 1998, the first increase since 1990. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Asia Observer
This "start page for observers of Asian affairs" complements resources such as Asia Society (described in the January 2, 1998 Scout Report) by providing an omnibus of links to news outlets, government resources, special topics and academic Websites, Asian newspapers, reference texts, human rights organizations, and more. In addition, the Find an Expert section allows users to access two large databases of scholars and researchers in Asian policy and Asian history and culture. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Daeumer, Roland and Mark D. Hayward. "Cohort Changes in Labor Force Attachment, Working and Nonworking Life Expectancies of Older Men" -- Population Research Institute [.pdf]
ftp://ftp.pop.psu.edu/papers/psu-pri/wp0004.pdfPost, David. "Children's Work, Schooling, and Social Welfare in Comparative Perspective: Chile, Peru, and Mexico Since the Eighties" -- Population Research Institute [.pdf]
ftp://ftp.pop.psu.edu/papers/psu-pri/wp0003.pdfRobles-Vasquez, Hector. "Education and Labor Force Participation by Mexican Children During Structural Adjustment: A Microeconomic Analysis" -- Population Research Institute [.pdf]
ftp://ftp.pop.psu.edu/papers/psu-pri/wp0005.pdfScharpf, Fritz W. "Institutions in Comparative Policy Research" -- Max Planck Institute
http://www.mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/publikation/working_papers/wp00-3/index.htmlSnyder, Francis. "Global Economic Networks and Global Legal Pluralism" -- Working Papers of the Law Department, European University Institute [.pdf]
http://www.iue.it/LAW/WP-Texts/law99_6.pdfSnyder, Francis. "Globalisation and Europeanisation as Friends and Rivals: European Union Law in Global Economic Networks" -- Working Papers of the Law Department, European University Institute [.pdf]
http://www.iue.it/LAW/WP-Texts/law99_8.pdfZagelmeyer, Stefan. "Brothers in Arms in the European Car Wars: Management-Labour Pacts in the Context of Regime Competition" -- Max Planck Institute
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Families USA Report:
McCloskey, Amanda. "Still Rising: Drug Price Increases for Seniors 1999 - 2000" [.pdf, 18 pages]
Press Release:
http://www.familiesusa.org/press/prdrug.htmUrban Institute - Assessing the New Federalism:
Kenney, Genevieve M., Grace Ko and Barbara A. Ormond. "Gaps in Prevention and Treatment: Dental Care for Low-Income Children"
.pdf version [6 pages]:
Ormond, Barbara A., Susan Wallin, and Susan M. Goldenson. "Supporting the Rural Health Care Safety Net"
.pdf version [55 pages]:
http://newfederalism.urban.org/pdf/occa36.pdfOverseas Development Institute:
Ashley, Caroline, Charlotte Boyd, and Harold Goodwin. "Pro-Poor Tourism: Putting Poverty at the heart of the Tourism Agenda"
"Reforming Food Aid: Time to Grasp the Nettle" (Briefing Paper)
http://www.oneworld.org/odi/briefing/1_00.htmlThe World Bank (Development Research Group):
Dollar, David and Aart Kraay. "Growth is Good for the Poor" [.pdf, 45 pages]
http://www.worldbank.org/html/prdmg/grthweb/pdfiles/growthgoodforpoor.pdfThird World Network - Trade and Development Series:
Khor, Martin. "The WTO and the Proposed Multilateral Investment Agreement: Implications for Developing Countries and Proposed Positions"
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Baker&Taylor Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (May 2000)
http://www.baker-taylor.com/Academia/M05/Home.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]REGARD Conference 2000: Future Social Science Research Support, Strategy, Direction
September 14, 2000
University of Bristol, UK
http://www.regard.ac.uk/conference/Fourth European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
September 18-20
Lisbon, Portugal
http://www.bn.pt/org/agenda/ecdl2000/The 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) -- Looking Backward and Looking Forward: Perspectives on Social Science History
October 26-29, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
http://www.ipums.umn.edu/~ssha/cfp.htmlAssimilation - Diasporization - Representation: Historical Perspectives on Immigrants and Host Societies in Postwar Europe -- Second Workshop on Contemporary Migration History
October 27 - 29, 2000,
Humboldt University, Berlin
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Journals
Current Research In Social Psychology: An Electronic Journal (Full text, one article per issue)
Volume 5, Numbers 9,-11 (April 10, 17, and 24 Issues)
http://www.uiowa.edu/~grpproc/crisp/crisp.htmlJSTOR: Journal of Negro History (Full text)
Volumes 1-81, 1916-1996
http://www.jstor.org/journals/00222992.htmlJournal of World History (Full text)
Volume 11, Number 1 (Spring 2000)
http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_world_history/toc/jwh11.1.htmlJournal of Women's History (Full text)
Volume 11, Issue 4 (Winter 2000)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com
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Promises, Promises: Recent Developments in Nuclear Nonproliferation Talks
1. Yahoo! News: "Five Powers Pledge to Get Rid of Nukes Eventually"
2. WorldNews.com: "US Wants Missile Treaty Changes"
3. The High Energy Weapons Archive: A Guide to Nuclear Weapons
4. The Nuclear Control Institute
5. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: START II Resources
6. National Security Archives: "United States Secretly Deployed Nuclear Bombs In 27 Countries and Territories During Cold War"
7. Policy.com: "Missile Defense Comes into Focus"
8. The Doomsday Clock
This week's In the News focuses on developments over the weekend in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty negotiations at the United Nations. On Monday, the five nuclear powers that signed the previous version of the treaty released a statement pledging themselves to an "unequivocal commitment to the ultimate goals of a complete elimination of nuclear weapons." The language was stronger than previous statements by the five concerning proliferation, but stopped short of offering any sort of timetable for such an elimination. Meanwhile, the United States delivered to Russia a draft of proposed changes to the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty -- the one the US Senate failed to ratify last year -- that would allow for the deployment of a limited National Missile Defense System in the US. The system would be designed to protect against North Korean missiles but, according to the Defense Department, would not be capable of thwarting a Russian attack. Thus far, Russia has not made an official response, but these proposed changes to the ABM treaty are likely to complicate efforts to get the Russian Dumas to ratify the START II treaty -- already approved by the US Senate -- this summer. These complications, along with the fact that the nuclear powers of Israel, India, and Pakistan have not agreed to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, suggest that the goal of a worldwide elimination of nuclear weapons is not yet in sight.
Yahoo! News (1) posts a Reuters News story reporting on the pledge of the five powers. WorldNews.com offers an AP article (2) detailing the US proposed changes in the ABM treaty to accommodate a limited "star wars" shield system. The American Federation of Scientists created and maintains this source of information (3) on current global nuclear testing, weapons development, and the historical use of nuclear weapons. The Nuclear Control Institute (4) monitors nuclear activities worldwide and advocates for nonproliferation not only of missiles but also of nuclear energy in general. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (5) offers text and analysis of the START II treaty and negotiations. A recently declassified document from the National Security Archives, here posted as a companion page to the November/December edition of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists(6), details US secret deployments of nuclear weapons in nations understood to be "non-nuclear" at the time. Policy.com has archived a daily briefing from January (updated in late March) (7) that discusses the testing of a US national missile defense system prototype and its implications for the ABM treaty. And finally, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists creates and maintains a site giving the history and current reading of the "Doomsday Clock" -- the editors's best surmise as to how close the planet is to nuclear Armageddon. [DC]
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