Great Buildings Online [DesignWorkshop]
"This gateway to architecture around the world and across history documents a thousand buildings and hundreds of leading architects, with 3D models, photographic images and architectural drawings, commentaries, bibliographies, web links, and more, for famous designers and structures of all kinds." The database is browseable (by building, architect, architectural style, or location) and searchable (via keyword, architect, location, or building name), or users can locate structures via the picture index. Entries include information about architectural styles, the structure's context and location, commentary, links to other related resources, and in some cases, downloadable 3-D models. Note: To download the software to view 3-D models, users must register (for free) with Artiface, the makers of DesignWorkshop. DesignWorkshop can only be installed on Power Macintoshes or machines running Windows 95/98/NT. [DC][TK]
[Back to Contents]"Uganda and Rwanda: Friends or Enemies?" -- ICG [.pdf]
Released on May 4, the latest report from the International Crisis Group (ICG) offers a detailed examination of the rising tensions between two former allies, Uganda and Rwanda. The source of the difficulties is the unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where each country is heavily involved and pursuing different strategies resulting in military competition. The ICG urges the UN Security Council and all parties concerned to fully implement the Lusaka Agreement of April 14, 2000 and asks for a new dialogue between the formerly friendly neighbors. Both HTML and .pdf versions of the report are posted at the ICG site, but the .pdf version was not accessible when this report went to print. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Arab Social Science Research
The Website of Arab Social Science Research (ASSR) features a virtual library of Web resources devoted to numerous branches of research in Arab Social Science. The library may be searched by country, resource, or topic and provides both annotated and unannotated listings to Websites, government reports, academic research, libraries, online journals, research centers, NGOs, related media, and much more. ASSR also posts here information about upcoming events in the field, including conferences and calls for papers. ASSR is a major program of the Arab Institute for Studies and Communication (AISC), an independent, nonprofit institution currently active in Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine founded in 1998 by a group of senior social scientists from the region. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Artslynx International Dance Resources
This extensive directory for resources in the performance, history, and scholarship of dance is offered by Artslynx, a gateway for Web-based materials on the creative and performing arts. The site provides annotated links on dance related organizations, academies, schools, and companies; research and scholarship; publications and magazines; international competitions; dance-affiliated art; physical theater and performance art; ethnic and international dance resources; electronic mailing lists and Usenet groups; and much more. A search engine that encompasses the entire Artslynx gateway is available for users who wish to search the site. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Bibliographies for Chinese Studies
Professor Dr. Barend ter Haar, an instructor in the social and economic history of China at the Sinologisches Seminar (Sinological Institute) at Heidelberg University, offers this collection of regularly updated (with one exception) bibliographies on various aspects of Chinese culture and history. Topics include violence in Chinese culture, literacy, writing and education, the study of Yao religion, Shamanism in China, and religious culture in China. Each bibliography varies in length, but most are prefaced by some helpful remarks on the field and/or the secondary literature. Suggestions are welcome. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Rwanda: the Search for Security and Human Rights Abuses
This new report from Human Rights Watch details continued cases within Rwanda of "assassination, murder, arbitrary detention, torture and other abuses perpetrated chiefly by soldiers of the Rwandan Patriotic Army, and by members of a government-backed citizens' militia called the Local Defense Force." According to the report, the Local Defense Force, while supposedly acting under the auspices of local authorities, commits abuses without fear of reprisal since these authorities are often either allied with or afraid of the government-supported militia. [DC]
[Back to Contents]
The Holocaust Chronicle
The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures is a not-for-profit endeavor of the Chicago-based Publications International, Ltd. Posted recently, the online edition examines the Holocaust chronologically, beginning with its pre-Nazi roots in Europe and devoting a chapter to each year from rise of the Nazis to power in 1933 through the Nuremberg trials in 1946. In fact, a distinguishing feature of the book is the amount of space dedicated to the events in Germany and eastern Europe that prefigured the organized internment and massacre of Jews and others in large numbers in the 1940s. It appears that the entire text of the book is available online; however, many pictures are deleted due to copyright restrictions. The text can be searched by date, and available photographs can be examined in thumbnail or larger versions. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Great Excavations [Java]
This UK companion site to the Channel 4 documentary series Great Excavations follows author and professional archaeologist David Romer on a tour through the origins, history, and current state of archaeology, especially as it applies to the examination of ancient civilizations. Six separate sections, matching six programs, explore in text and photographs the roots of archaeology in colonial plunder, the development of archaeological reasoning and systems of classification, the transformation of archaeology into a reputable science, the development of the art of excavation, the connection between archaeologists and the state, and the future of archaeology as a discipline. The program six material is not yet online but will appear sometime before the broadcast of this segment. The site also features a healthy annotated bibliography of Websites and books for each episode. We had some difficulties in using the site outside of the Channel 4 frame, but users whose browsers handle Java well may not have this difficulty. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Arthur Szyk: Artist for Freedom
Posted March 3, this Website from the Library of Congress Swann Gallery of caricature and cartoon features the work of Arthur Szyk (1894-1951), "one America's leading political artists during World War II, when he produced hundreds of anti-Axis illustrations and cartoons in aid of the Allied war effort." Szyk produced both illuminations and caricatures, and the site features a selection of fifteen works -- viewable in two sizes -- with background notes. Szyk was a Polish-born Jew whose work exhibits a sophisticated patriotism that celebrates diversity and Jewish remembrance while offering a powerful critique of Nazi ideology. His works have a dimensionality that most World War II illustrations seem to lack. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Jim's Fine Art Collection
This site offers an impressive collection of online reproductions of 4,539 works from 351 artists with more than 3,500 remaining to be added. It is the hope of the site's creator, Jim Grattan, "to provide quality scans of works from a wide array of painters and sculptors," from all over the globe and from the primitive to the contemporary. The artists in the collection are organized two ways: alphabetically, by last name or common name; and chronologically, by artist's nation of birth, or primary activity. "Every work in the collection is displayed by a small thumbnail image. Major artists appear in large type and have their own summary page for fast access to any particular work users wish to examine." File sizes are indicated on all full-scale images, and Jim offers instructions for those who need help downloading and saving images. I would also emphasize that Jim is serious when he says "quality scans." Many of the images here are large and vibrant, and best viewed at an 800 x 600 resolution. The credit and links section also gives annotated links to about two dozen other useful graphic archive sites. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Renascence Editions
This Website from the University of Oregon offers an alphabetically indexed collection of electronic editions of works printed in English from 1477 to 1799. Of course, this is not a comprehensive collection, but it is a substantial one, including all of the plays of Shakespeare, the poetry of Spenser, prose and poetry of John Milton, the major writings of Thomas Browne, and works by Hobbes, Defoe, Gascoigne, Caxton, Bacon, Rachel Speght, and Jonathan Swift, just to name a few. Some editions include links to annotations. All have been prepared by reputable scholars in the field. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Life in Elizabethan England: A Compendium of Common Knowledge, 1558-1603 [MS Word, .pdf]
Compiled by Maggie Pierce Secara, who has for twelve years acted as the Countess of Southampton at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire, and designed by Paula Katherine Marmor, this site offers fragments from the social history of Elizabethan England. The compendium bills itself as a sort of primer for the tidbits of life that should be common knowledge to writers or (re-en)actors "who work and play in the 16th Century on a regular basis." If you keep bees, for example, you should know that bees love gossip, and it's good luck to tell them all of the latest news. Just about anyone with an interest in social history will find some of the "fact bites" here intriguing. The useful appendices include Maps & Plans, Bibliography, The Tudor Succession, and a list of Related Sites. The compendium can be browsed or searched online or downloaded as an MS Word or .pdf document. [TK]
[Back to Contents]Duhaime's Law Dictionary
Part of a Canadian site created and maintained by a solicitor of British Columbia with the express purpose of "giving the law back to the people," this dictionary offers clear, concise definitions of many legal terms that anyone who finds themselves engaged with issues of civil or criminal justice is likely to need to know. While some of the terms are clearly applicable to the system of justice in which solicitor Duhaime practices, the vast majority are generic to Western law. A link is also offered to Duhaime.org, the parent site, which features a plethora of materials for educating oneself in the law, especially if one is dealing with the Canadian justice system. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Alcuin and Clemens Libraries: Resources for Language Students
The joint site of the libraries at Saint John's University and the College of Saint Benedict offers as one of its research guides this annotated directory of Web resources for students studying languages. Links from this page also give students/ users access to individual sections on resources in the study of Latin, French, German, and Spanish. These directories are annotated and updated with reasonable regularity. [DC]
[Back to Contents]
Digest of Education Statistics, 1999
Last week, the National Center for Education Statistics posted on the Web its annual digest. "The Digest provides statistical information covering the field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school with over 450 tables and figures. Topics include: schools and colleges; teachers; enrollments; graduates; educational attainment; finances; federal funds for education; employment and income of graduates; libraries; technology; and international comparisons." [DC]
[Back to Contents]United Kingdom Education Assessment Reports:
Primary School National Summary Data report (the Annex to the Primary PICSI and PANDA) [.pdf, 628K]
Secondary School National Summary Data report (the Annex to the Secondary PICSI and PANDA) [.pdf, 1828K]
These two reports from the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), a non-ministerial government department, independent from the Department for Education & Employment, constitute a comprehensive annual assessment of primary and secondary education in the UK. Data from the Pre Inspection Context and School Indicator (PICSI) and the Performance and Assessment (PANDA) Reports are summarized here. Statistics for individual schools include "pupils' test and examination results in comparison with national averages and the average achievement of similar schools; composite graded information from the school's previous inspection; basic characteristics of the school (taken from the school census); economic, social and demographic characteristics of the local area (taken from the Census of Population);" and, for secondary schools only, a subject indicator report comparing the results between subjects in the school. In addition, the reports contain supplemental data concerning pupil-teacher ratios, expenditure patterns, length of taught week, the curriculum, and other issues. [DC]
[Back to Contents]US Census: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1999
Selected portions:
Complete Report [.pdf, accessible by sections, 1045 pages]:
Dubbed "the National Data Book" by the Census Bureau, this online tome offers a vast collection of statistics on social and economic conditions in the United States. A special feature of the 1999 edition is a new section, "20th Century Statistics," "which presents data beginning in 1900 where available on a broad range of subjects such as population, education, income and labor force." Selected HTML highlights include USA Statistics in Brief, frequently requested tables, state rankings, state profiles, and a guide to State Statistical Abstracts. The complete report can be accessed from a table giving data section titles and corresponding pages in manageable .pdf portions. [DC]
[Back to Contents]
(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Derrickson, Joda P., Jennifer E. L. Anderson, and Anne G. Fisher. "Concurrent Validity of the Face Valid Food Security Measure" -- Institute for Research on Poverty
Full text [.pdf, 36 pages]:
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/pubs/dp120600.pdfKowaleski-Jones, Lori and Greg J. Duncan. "Effects of Participation in the WIC Food Assistance Program on Children's Health and Development: Evidence from NLSY Children" -- Institute for Research on Poverty
Full text [.pdf, 29 pages]:
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/pubs/dp120700.pdfOlson, Craig A. and Deena Ackerman. "High School Inputs and Labor Market Outcomes for Male Workers in Their Mid-Thirties: New Data and New Estimates from Wisconsin" -- Institute for Research on Poverty
Full text [.pdf, 40 pages]:
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/pubs/dp120500.pdfQuillian, Lincoln. "How Long Do African Americans Stay in High-Poverty Neighborhoods? An Analysis of Spells" -- Institute for Research on Poverty
Full text [.pdf, 47 pages]:
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/pubs/dp120300.pdfWilson, Franklin D. "Metropolitan Labor Markets and Ethnic Niching: Introduction to a Research Project" -- Institute for Research on Poverty
Full text [.pdf, 82 pages]:
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/pubs/dp120400.pdfLepenies, Wolf. "Exile and Emigration: The Survival of 'German Culture'" -- School of Social Science Occasional Papers
Full text [.pdf, 24 pages]:
http://www2.admin.ias.edu/ss/Papers/paperseven.pdfKohler, Hans-Peter and Joseph Lee Rodgers. "DF-Analyses of Heritability with Double-Entry Twin Data: Asymptotic Standard Errors and Efficient Estimation" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Full text [.pdf, 28 pages]:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
Orszag, Peter R. "Voluntary Individual Accounts for Social Security: What Are the Costs?"
.pdf version [13 pages]:
http://www.cbpp.org/5-15-00socsec.pdfGreenstein, Robert. "Changing the Budget Resolution to a Joint Resolution That Is Signed into Law"
.pdf version [4 pages]:
http://www.cbpp.org/5-7-00bud.pdfJerome Levy Economics Institute:
Cadette, Walter M. "Health Care Finance in Need of Rethinking" (Policy Note)
Karier, Thomas. "Welfare College Students: Measuring the Impact of Welfare Reform" (Policy Note)
http://www.levy.org/docs/pn/00-3.htmlRussell Sage Foundation:
Nie, Norman H. and Jane Junn. "America's Experience with Census 2000:
A Preliminary Report" -- May 4, 2000 [.pdf, 17 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/special_interest/intercity.pdfWorld Bank (Economics Growth Research):
"Can institutions resolve ethnic conflict?" [.pdf, 22 pages]
http://www.worldbank.org/research/growth/pdfiles/ethnic_conflict.pdfThe Urban Institute:
Tumlin, Karen C. and Rob Green. "The Decision to Investigate: Understanding State Child Welfare Screening Policies and Practices" (Number A-38 in Series, "New Federalism: Issues and Options for States")
.pdf version [8 pages]:
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Michigan State University Press Online -- New Releases
http://www.msu.edu/unit/msupress/newrel/newrlst.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2000)
September 18-20, 2000
Lisbon, Portugal
http://www.bn.pt/org/agenda/ecdl2000/New Modernisms II: The Second Annual Conference of the Modernist Studies Association
October 12-15, 2000
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
http://www.psu.edu/dept/english/MSA/msa.htmThe Facets Of Digital Reference: The Second Annual Digital Reference Conference
October 16-17, 2000
Seattle, Washington
http://vrd.org/conferences/VRD2000/index.htmlISA'2000: International ICSC Congress On Intelligent Systems And Applications
December 12-15, 2000
University of Wollongong (near Sydney), Australia
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Online Issues
The Journal of Modern History ("New Work on the Old Regime and the French Revolution: A Special Issue in Honor of Francois Furet")
Vol. 72, No. 1 (March 2000)
http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/JMH/v72n1toc.htmlCommunication Theory (table of contents, abstracts)
Vol. 10, No. 2 (May 2000)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/comthe/hdb/Volume_10/Issue_02/Social Politics (table of contents, abstracts)
Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring 2000)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/socpol/hdb/Volume_07/Issue_01/Community Development Journal (table of contents, abstracts, full-text) [.pdf]
Vol. 35, No. 2 (April 2000)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/cdj/hdb/Volume_35/Issue_02/Social Science Japan Journal (table of contents, abstracts)
Vol. 3, No. 1 (April 2000)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
[Back to Contents]
Supreme Court Strikes Down Federal Rape Law
1. The New York Times: "Court Rejects Federal Rape Law" [free registration required]
2. Christian Science Monitor: "Court curtails power of Congress"
3. Supreme Court of the United States [.pdf]
4. IdahoNews.com: "Law allowing rape victims to sue attackers unconstitutional"
5. NPR Online: US Supreme Court 1999-2000, by Nina Totenberg
6. Arizona Rape Prevention Education Data and Evaluation Project
7. The Bush School of Government and Public Service: "The Supreme Court's New Judicial Federalism: Implications for Public Administration," by Charles Wise, Indiana University
Yesterday, in a typical 5-4 split, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a portion of a 1994 federal law that allowed rape victims to sue their attackers in federal court. The case involved a Virginia Tech freshman who accused two football players of raping her in her dormitory room in 1994. After the two suspects, who claimed the sex was consensual, received little disciplinary action from the University, Christy Brzonkala filed suit in Federal Court. In denying her suit, the Supreme Court stated that Congress had exceeded its authority in seeking to claim the commerce clause and the fourteenth amendment as a basis for the 1994 law. Such a ruling continues in the Federalist vein of the Rehnquist court that has sought to redress a perceived imbalance between the rights of the states and the federal government. Writing for the majority, Rehnquist stated: "If the allegations here are true . . . no civilized system of justice could fail to provide her a remedy for the conduct of respondent Morrison. But under our federal system that remedy must be provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia, and not by the United States." Advocates for women's rights, including the National Organization of Women, have condemned the decision, using it, in some cases, as a rallying cry for a renewed effort for an equal rights amendment.
The New York Times(1) and The Christian Science Monitor(2) offer summaries of the ruling. Last month, perhaps somewhat belatedly, the Supreme Court went online (3), offering "the full texts of 1999 Term Opinions (with a link to previous Bench Opinions), the Court calendar and schedule, background information about the Court and justices, Court rules, Bar admissions information, case handling guides, and public information, including a visitor's guide" (see the April 21, 2000 Scout Report). An article from the online version of the Idaho Post Register(4) last spring reviews the original Federal Court of Appeals decision that the Supreme Court upheld. NPR posts a collection of substantial audio selections (5) of NPR Supreme Court correspondent Nina Totenberg's remarkably balanced and lucid reports on the major cases before the Court in the last twelve months, including the revisiting of Miranda, the ruling on gays in the Boy Scouts, police searches, and school prayer. The Arizona Rape Prevention Education Data and Evaluation Project (6) presents a well-organized collection of data on rape and abuse, including national statistics from the Department of Justice and violence and abuse data from the project's research. Finally, posted online by the Bush School of Government at Texas A&M, Charles Wise's article (7) examines with some subtlety the shifts in the Court in the last decade to a more aggressive, but not radical, pursuit of Federalism. [DC]
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