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State of the Cities, 2000 -- HUD [.pdf]
Full report [.pdf, 108 pages]:
Appendices [.pdf, 41 pages]:
Last week, the Department of Housing and Urban Development released its annual report on the state of American cities. The report finds that while "the booming national economy and the growth of high-tech jobs have helped reverse decades of decline in America's cities," the "digital divide" continues to make itself felt as the number of high-tech jobs is growing 30 percent faster in the suburbs than urban areas. In addition, housing prices have risen at twice the rate of inflation, worsening an affordable housing shortage. See also the New Data section in this report for a review of the State of the Cities Data System, 2000. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Punishment and Prejudice: Racial Disparities in the War on Drugs
Earlier this month, Human Rights Watch released a new report, Punishment and Prejudice: Racial Disparities in the War on Drugs. Supporting its case with a plethora of Justice department data from the 1996 national Corrections Reporting Program (the latest version available), the report finds that drug penalties are disproportionately applied on the basis of race. In fact, "relative to population, black men are admitted to state prison on drug charges at a rate that is 13.4 times greater than that of white men," and in some states, the numbers are much higher, with blacks being sent to prison for comparable drug offenses at rates 20 to 57 times greater than that of whites. The hypertext table of contents makes access to any part of the report, including methodology, a click away. [DC]
[Back to Contents]GenderReach [.pdf]
This new Website from USAID "describes the agency's gender strategy and its many critical gender projects." The site reflects the organization's ongoing effort to "mainstream" gender issues into US development assistance in the last two decades. Included here are a number of publications outlining this effort, such as the 1982 "Women in Development Policy Paper" and the more fulsome Gender Plan of Action published in 1995 to coincide with the United Nations's Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing (See the September 8, 1995 Scout Report). Also posted on the Website are newsletters, updates, reports, and factsheets from the Office of Women in Development. Other features include an activity map which describes policy efforts on a variety of international women's issues, a photo gallery, a gender quiz, and an online form to request gender-related publications. Publications are offered in .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Engendering Development -- World Bank [.pdf]
Published online in late May, this report from the World Bank is subtitled "Enhancing Development through Attention to Gender." Beginning with the oft-supported premise that "income growth and economic development promote gender equality in the long run," the report argues for a three-part global strategy for promoting gender equality: 1. a reform of economic and judicial institutions, 2. the implementation of policies that promote sustained economic growth and development, and 3. the promotion of active measures to give women a greater command of resources and a stronger political voice. Of course, the devil is in the details, and those who wish to confront him may examine the policy report's specific arguments and recommendations in .pdf format linked to from the table of contents page given above. [DC]
[Back to Contents]SUNY-Buffalo Libraries Digital Initiative [.pdf]
This Website, created and maintained by the University at Buffalo Libraries, offers extensive links to full-text, online versions of popular government documents on such topics as aging, the Census, employment, consumer information, copyrights, domestic violence, health, education, the environment, home safety, parenting, small businesses, social security, taxes, travel, and wildlife. Some of the sections are updated more recently than others, but all of them are still actively maintained and provide HTML or .pdf versions of the kinds of government documents that ordinary citizens may actually want to consult. Another portion of the site contains extensive materials taken from the library's Love Canal Collection. This section provides background information on the Love Canal contamination which occurred in the 1970s and the controversy over its effects on the surrounding populace as well as numerous pertinent documents, including EPA analyses, court opinions, reports by interfaith advocates for government and industry action, and much more. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Antisemitism in Canada: Recent Documents from the Nizkor Network
Countering Anti-Semitism and Hate in Canada Today: Legal/Legislative Remedies and Current Realities Racism, Anti-Semitism and Hate in Canada
Two Judgments from the Canadian Court of Appeals in B'nai B'rith et al. vs. Ernst Zundel
Docket: A-258-99
Docket: A-253-99
The Nizkor Project recently posted several documents relating to antisemitism in Canada. The most recent, published last week, was written by Karen R. Mock, National Director of the League for Human Rights of B'nai B'rith Canada, and provides a summary of antisemitism in Canada, a history of the constitutional and legislative pertinent issues, and recommendations for community action, education, and awareness to fight contemporary antisemitism. The two judgments from the Canadian Federal Court of Appeals posted earlier this month concern challenges by Ernst Zundel, a prominent Canadian Holocaust-denier, to the rulings of a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in the course of hearing a human rights complaint made against Zundel twelve years ago. Background information on the case and Zundel are also available from Nizkor's What's New Webpage. [DC]
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The Art of Tibet [.pdf, Flash, Java]
This extraordinary site from the Himalayan Art Project of the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation "seeks to preserve the sacred art of the Himalayas." The Website features a searchable database of over 1,000 Tibetan Buddhist thangkas (sacred paintings and mandalas) dating from the twelfth to the nineteenth century, photographic exhibits of contemporary Tibet and its monasteries as well as photos of Tibetan culture prior to the invasion of the Communists, and extensive textual descriptions, supplemented with works from the database, of Tibetan religious history and culture. The images can be examined in detail through directional manipulation and a zoom option. Finally, the Website offers links to two texts studying Tibetan religious imagery: a partial version of Worlds of Transformation: Tibetan Art of Wisdom and Compassion and a complete online edition in .pdf format of Lamaism in Sikhism, a well illustrated text from a British observer of Tibetan Sikh culture at the turn of the last century. A brief, annotated list of high quality links rounds out the site. The images in the database and the books can be viewed in Java or non-Java versions. (Both allow users to examine the images in detail, but the Java version provides much better resolutions on extreme close-ups.) The Website also offers the option of Flash or non-Flash introductory pages, but we did not find any significant content difference on this score. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Africabib.org
Africabib.org consists of two continually updated bibliographic databases covering Africana periodical literature and African Women's literature as well as a comprehensive bibliography on women travelers and explorers to Africa. The Bibliography of Africana Periodical Literature Database "indexes over 27,000 articles from over 246 English language and multi-lingual journals and periodicals that specialize in African Studies or consistently cover the African continent." The second bibliography, African Women's Database, contains more than 20,000 citations from 1986 to the present and indexes primarily books, government documents, articles appearing in edited books, periodical and journal articles, and Masters theses and PhD dissertations. A small number of the entries in the two featured bibliographies provide links to online texts, but in the main, these are simply bibliographic records. Users may search by subject, nation, region, author, periodical, title, and "free text." Because the search engine performs a Boolean operation on selected fields, we advise users to specify the minimum number of fields needed to retrieve relevant entries. Otherwise, searches are likely to return false "no records found" results. The third bibliography -- Women Travelers, Explorers and Missionaries to Africa: 1763-1999: A Comprehensive English Language Bibliography -- is static and may be browsed either alphabetically by author or by the country(ies) that serve as a work's primary subject matter. This Website has been created and maintained by Davis Bullwinkle, the director of the Institute for Economic Advancement (IEA) Research Library at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Gotham Comes of Age: New York through the Lens of the Byron Company, 1892 - 1942
Gotham Comes of Age is an online version of a text published last year by Pomegranate press in cooperation with the Museum of the City of New York. The book offers images from 50 years of photography by one of New York City's most prominent commercial photography studios during the city's rise to its status as one of the world's great metropolises. The photographic plates are large, numerous, and helpfully annotated with historical and cultural background. An introduction by E.L. Doctorow and a history of the Byron Company by Peter Simmons also supplement the photographs. Waxing characteristically eloquent about the images, Doctorow writes: it is "as if these are not images of past New Yorkers, but in the nature of the admonitory life of ghosts, to be of then and of now simultaneously, so as to hauntingly describe to us our membership in their world, granted just enough time for our illusions to flourish before we are chastened and subdued into our own places in the photographs." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Death of the Dream: Farmhouses in the Heartland -- PBS [Flash, RealPlayer]
This fine Website from PBS coincides with the broadcast last week over local public television stations of the documentary film of the same name. Examining the settlement and cultivation of the Midwest through the focusing lens of the typical L-shaped farmhouse, the Website uses text, photographs, video, and audio to tell the story of agricultural life in the Midwest from the 1830s to the mid-20th century when agribusiness effectively transformed both the physical and cultural landscape of the prairies. Given that the documentary is based on a book from the Afton Historical Society Press in Minnesota, it is not surprising that the Website has a strong literary flavor with healthy excerpts from writers like Willa Cather and Minnesota writer Bill Holm and video readings of poetry by Robert Bly and Leo Dangel. Also included here are the texts of some articles on sustainable agriculture and the possibilities, albeit perhaps slim, for some sort of renaissance of the small family farm. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Handspeak: A Sign Language Dictionary
Recently renamed and updated, this "practical sign language online dictionary" features approximately 2,800 signs and is being added to on a regular basis. Visitors can use a search engine to find American Sign Language (ASL) signs for words or browse by an alphabetical index as well as by a limited subject index. Also included here are four fables told in sign language, a description of International Sign Language (ISL), and some brief, bullet-point discussions of SL culture and language. Note: the signs are demonstrated in stop-action GIF animation, so users need browsers that support this application. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Special Reports on the Balkans -- Washingtonpost.com
Each week, this Website posts the most recent news stories from the Washington Post relating to issues in the Balkans. Currently, 20 articles published in the last week are available. In addition, the site offers background reports that fill in political and cultural history necessary to understanding current conditions; timelines of events; a who's who of key figures in the region; maps that illustrate geography, demographics, and military movements; a photo gallery; links to agencies assisting Kosovo refugees; and an annotated listing of additional relevant Websites. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Solzhenitsyn At Harvard: The Address, Twelve Early Responses, Six Later Reflections
Posted online in December by its publisher, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, this 1980 book features the Harvard Commencement Address of Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn and eighteen commentaries drawn from prominent journalists and political commentators. At issue in the debate that runs through the responses is the value of Solzhenitsyn's attack upon the West's rampant materialism and what he considers to be its pervasive "decline in courage" on the world stage. One finds in these pages conservative columnists like Robert Novak using Solzhenitsyn's words to contribute to that sense of wounded American supremacy that helped propel Ronald Reagan into office as well as a liberal columnist like James Reston presuming to lecture the Nobel Prize winner and Gulag survivor on the true nature of political liberty. (There are, of course, more deliberative responses as well.) All in all, the text serves as a fascinating portrait of a key debate in American political culture -- one which, arguably, has now transmogrified into contemporary ruminations about the emergent global culture, that is, Jihad vs. McWorld. [DC]
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State of the Cities Data Systems, 2000
Posted concurrently with the State of the Cities, 2000 report from HUD (see above annotation), this data system gives easy access to the database of the report. Updated from its 1998 incarnation (see the December 1, 1998 Scout Report for the Social Sciences), the system provides a "fast-look" option permitting users to obtain the latest data from 114 selected cities on population, current employment, county business patterns, and more. The site also contains census data from the last three completed censuses (1970, 1980, 1990) for all 542 metropolitan central cities as well as "labor force data for individual cities from a database of Local Area Unemployment Statistics data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics." Summary reports highlighting key cities and statistics are also available for each statistical category. Researchers can access data for a city by selecting its state or metropolitan area. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Capital Punishment in Missouri
This Website, maintained by Missourinet, an online source for Missouri journalism, provides information on death row inmates, executions, and a brief history of capital punishment in Missouri. Missouri carried out 39 executions (lethal gas) between 1938 and 1965; 41 since 1989 (lethal injection). The site posts photos of the first 39 and provides more extensive information about the last 41, including a brief description of the crime, a short biography, and a description of legal activity associated with the conviction, sentencing, and appeals process of each inmate. Similar information along with photographs is given for the 81 inmates currently on death row. The site is strictly factual and politically neutral, but visitors of either persuasion on the issue of capital punishment are likely to find a visit sobering. Links to the Missouri Department of Corrections are also provided. Missourinet is created and maintained by Learfield Communications in Jefferson City. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Nineteenth Century Children's Literature -- The British Library
This database, maintained by the publishing house of Chadwyck-Healey, Ltd., provides searchable records of the British Library's Children's Literature collection, which contains 2,369 titles on 5,527 fiches. Search parameters include title and complete record keyword, author, subject, publisher, year(s) of publication, microfiche number, and number of records retrieved. (Users may also browse possible search terms for each parameter.) Each entry gives a full bibliographic record for the individual text, including author, uniform title, imprint, place and date of publication, pagination, copy-specific notes, British Library shelfmark, and Fiche quantity and number. The site is part of The Nineteenth Century, a larger collection from Chadwyck-Healey and the British Library that catalogs an impressive array of nineteenth-century texts useful for historical and cultural studies. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Graefe, Deborah Roempke. "New Days, New Ways?: Modernization, Sexual Attitudes and Contraceptive Knowledge among Adolescent Women in a Traditional State in Mexico" -- Population Research Institute [.pdf]
http://www.pop.psu.edu/general/pubs/working_papers/psu-pri/wp0006.pdfKleinhans, Chuck. "Cultural Appropriation and Subcultural Expression: The Dialectics of Cooptation and Resistance"
http://www.rtvf.nwu.edu/people/kleinhans/cult_and_subcult.htmlKundu, Amitabh and Somnath Basu. "Words And Concepts In Urban Development and Planning In India: An Analysis in the Context of Regional Variation and Changing Policy Perspectives" -- MOST City Words Project
http://www.unesco.org/most/p2basu.htmMorris, Martina and Mirjam Kretzschmar. "A Microsimulation Study of the Effect of Concurrent Partnerships on the Spread of HIV in Uganda" -- Population Research Institute [.pdf]
http://www.pop.psu.edu/general/pubs/working_papers/psu-pri/wp0007.pdfSkiadas, Dimitrios V. "Judicial Review of the Budgetary Authority during the enactment of the European Union's Budget"
Full text:
.pdf version (12 pages):
http://eiop.or.at/eiop/pdf/2000-007.pdfVidal, Denis and Narayani Gupta." Urban vocabulary in Northern India" -- MOST City Words Project
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
The Joint Center for Poverty Research -- Northwestern University/ University of Chicago:
Henderson, Debra et al. "Where All the Counties Are Above Average: Top Down Versus Bottom Up Perspectives of Welfare Reform" [.pdf]
Full text (.pdf, 28 pages):
Henry, Mark et al. "Reducing Food Stamp and Welfare Caseloads in the South: Are Rural Areas Less Likely to Succeed Than Urban Centers?" [.pdf]
Full text (.pdf, 26 pages):
Jensen, Leif and Dan Lichter. "Rural America in Transition: Poverty and Welfare at the Turn of the 21st Century" [.pdf]
Full text (.pdf, 47 pages):
http://www.jcpr.org/wpfiles/Lichter-Jensen.PDFHoover Institution:
Chao, Linda and Ramon H. Myers. "The Divided China Problem: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution"
Executive Summary:
Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce. "Political Instability as a Source of Growth"
Executive Summary:
http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/publications/epp/99/99c.htmlInstitute for Research on Poverty:
Cancian, Maria et al. "Before and After TANF: The Economic Well-Being of Women Leaving Welfare" [.pdf, 62 pages]
Cancian, Maria et al. "Outcomes for Low-Income Families under the Wisconsin AFDC Program: Understanding the Baseline So That We Can Estimate the Effects of Welfare Reform" [.pdf, 62 pages]
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/pubs/sr76.pdfCenter on Budget and Policy Priorities:
Lav, Iris J. and James Sly. "Estate Tax Repeal: A Windfall for the Wealthiest Americans"
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Michigan State University Press Online -- New Releases
http://www.msu.edu/unit/msupress/newrel/newrlst.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]Information Science Innovations (ISI) 2001
March 17-21, 2001
American University of Dubai
United Arab Emirates
http://www.icsc.ab.ca/isi2001.htmThe American Presidency on Film: A National Conference
November 10-12, 2000
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Simi Valley, CA
http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~filmhis/histleague/index.htmDefining Cult Movies Conference
November 17-19, 2000
Institute of Film Studies, School of American and Canadian Studies
University of Nottingham, UK
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts
Australian Humanities Review (Full text)
June 2000 (Issue 18)
http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/AHR/archive/Issue-June-2000/home.htmlJouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies (Full text)
Volume 4, Issue 3 (Spring/ Summer 2000 -- Special Issue: Postcolonial Asian American)
http://social.chass.ncsu.edu/jouvert/v4i3/con43.htmThe English Historical Review (Table of Contents)
Volume 115, Issue 462 (June 2000)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/enghis/hdb/Volume_115/Issue_462/International Journal of Refugee Law (Abstracts, .pdf full-text articles)
Volume 11, Issue 4 (April 2000)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/reflaw/hdb/Volume_11/Issue_04/The Chaucer Review (Full text)
Volume 34, Issue 3, (January 2000)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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Justices Uphold Miranda
1. "Justices Reaffirm Miranda Rule, 7-2; a Part of 'Culture'" -- New York Times
2. "High Court Upholds Miranda Rights, 7-2" -- Washington Post
3. "High court upholds Miranda warnings" -- Chicago Tribune
4. "Supreme Court Reaffirms '66 Miranda Ruling" -- Los Angeles Times
5. Supreme Court Watch -- PBS NewsHour [RealPlayer]
6. Dickerson v. United States [.pdf]
7. "Court affirms justice to all" -- Arizona Republic
8. "Supreme Court upholds a valuable tool for justice" -- Detroit Free Press
9. "Maintaining Miranda" -- Miami Herald
10. "Miranda, Survivor" -- Washington Post
Yesterday, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in the case of Dickerson v. United States, in which the confession of a bank robbery suspect in Virginia was suppressed because it was obtained before he was read his rights. In the 7-2 decision, the high court has effectively put an end to speculation over the famous Miranda warnings. The 1966 Miranda vs. Arizona was a landmark case, requiring police to inform suspects of their rights. However, just two years later Congress passed a law that allowed "voluntary" confessions to be used even without the Miranda warning. This law was almost forgotten until recently, when it became the basis for the appeal in the Dickerson case. In striking down the "voluntary confession clause," the Court not only indicated its respect for precedent, but also reasserted its role as the final arbiter of the Constitution. In the majority opinion, Chief Justice William Rehnquist, a previous critics of Miranda, wrote, "we conclude that Miranda announced a constitutional rule that Congress may not supersede legislatively." Justices Scalia and Thomas issued a bitter dissenting opinion that, among other things, accused their colleagues of "judicial arrogance." The ruling was warmly welcomed by the Clinton Administration, especially the Attorney General, and the majority of the nation's media.
Readers can begin with the New York Times (free registration required) report on the ruling (1), which offers analysis, related articles, and a Supreme Court Guide. The Washington Post article (2) includes additional information on Miranda, excerpts and the full text of the ruling, and notes on the other decisions issued yesterday. Additional reports are available from the Chicago Tribune(3) and Los Angeles Times(4). A transcript and RealPlayer audio recording of yesterday's Newshour segment on the ruling are available from PBS (5), while Cornell's Legal Information Institute offers the full text of the Syllabus and both opinions in HTML and .pdf format (6). Editorials on the decision are available from the Arizona Republic(7), Detroit Free Press(8), Miami Herald(9), and Washington Post(10). [MD]
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