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NESSTAR: Network Social Science Tools and Resources
The long awaited NESSTAR system, dubbed the "Social Science Dream Machine" by some (see the September 10, 1999 Scout Report), has moved from a beta version into operational mode. Currently, NESSTAR has three main components: 1. NESSTAR Explorer, a search engine for social science data and resources that allows users "to find data across organisational and national boundaries" and browse and download both data and metadata; 2. NESSTAR Publisher, a "collection of tools and resources that enables data publishers and distributors to disseminate data via the Internet;" and 3. an overview of the NESSTAR System Architecture, showing how NESSTAR builds on "state-of-the-art technology like Java, XML, CORBA, etc." Most users will be interested in the Explorer, which currently allows users to retrieve descriptions of data and, in many cases, the data and metadata from the Danish Data Archive, the Finnish Social Science Data Services, the Norweigian Social Science Data Services, and the UK Data Archive. Search options include simple, field, and advanced, and results include information on location, description and accessibility of the data. When data is available it comes up in .html with a framed table of contents. A User Guide is available to help researchers navigate the Explorer. Already, NESSTAR is an excellent resource for instant access to a wide range of social science data, particularly on European topics, and plans are to add more major archives in the future. Caveat: The Macintosh version of NESSTAR Explorer requires a Java 2 virtual machine, but, unfortunately, none are currently available for the Mac OS. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Documenting a Democracy: Australia's Story [.RTF, .PDF, Word]
Produced by the National Archives of Australia in conjunction with archives and records offices in the seven territories of Australia, this superb new Website allows users to examine the history of the Commonwealth through its founding documents. Because each territory in Australia began as a separate colony of the crown, there are founding documents for each of the seven states in addition to the founding documents of the Commonwealth as a whole. Users may access these documents as well as their descriptions and historical context by clicking on the different sections of the map posted on the homepage. Visitors may also view the documents in relation to particular historical themes (Foundation, Building, Freedom, Lands), via an annotated timeline, or in conjunction with a picture gallery posting representative images from Australian history. In all, there are over one hundred documents posted here, including constitutional documents, Queen Victoria's instructions to a territorial governor, Aboriginal land rights and ordinances, acts of territorial self-governance, and much more. The entire site is searchable, and documents may be downloaded in .RTF, .PDF or Word 6 formats. An eminently useful Website for both researchers and students of Australian history. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Annual Report on Human Rights, 2000 -- United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office [.pdf]
In July, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) issued its Human Rights report, the third such annual report issued under Tony Blair's government. The 176-page report provides a "detailed overview of the range of FCO work in the area of human rights, from the government's responses to major humanitarian crises in Kosovo, in East Timor, or in Sierra Leone, to grass-roots projects to promote civil society, safeguard children from conflict and exploitation, and eradicate torture around the world." The report also includes a brief section on the decision of the Home Secretary not to extradite former Chilean dictator Pinochet to Spain, with a URL included for access to the full text of his statement. According to the Secretary for FCO affairs, the document is not meant as an exhaustive report on Human Rights around the world, but rather as an in-depth examination of UK efforts in this area both at home and abroad. [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness
Operated by a private research firm under contract to the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness serves as a clearinghouse for technical assistance and research information. Included here are comprehensive, well-annotated national listings of organizations concerned with mental health, housing and homelessness, as well as housing-related technical assistance resources. The site also provides an "extensive bibliographic database on homelessness and mental illness" broken down by subject; a listing of research monographs and papers commissioned by the center, some of which may be accessed online; an annotated directory of online resources; information about technical assistance given by the Center to professionals in the field; and selected posted articles from the 1996-1997 issues of Access, a periodic information letter to the field. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Create Change: Reclaiming Scholarly Communication
Subtitled "a resource for faculty and librarian action to reclaim scholarly communication," this polemical but academically credible Website serves as an educational and resource center dedicated to issues of scholarly publishing in an environment characterized by increasing commercialization of traditional publishing and decreasing institutional support. For those uninformed about this current quiet crisis, the site provides plenty of facts and analysis, starting with statistics about increasing costs and decreasing library acquisition of scholarly publications and journals. The Website also addresses the issue of electronic publishing, inveighing against naive assessments of it as a panacea. The site has separate information for librarians and scholars; it includes both a webliography of resources on the subject and an advocacy kit, which features tools for presentations and on-campus advocacy of the issue, as well as advice on intervening in the scholarly publishing process. An online version of a pamphlet is also posted; it gives a concise outline of the problem and advises librarians and scholars how to advocate for change in the current system. Create Change is sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries, the Association of College and Research Libraries, and the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition with support from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation. [DC]
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Teaching Resources and Materials for Social Scientists (TRAMSS) -- Economic and Social Research Council
Created and maintained by the Economic and Social Research Council of the United Kingdom, this Website is designed for graduate students and academics in the Social Sciences who want to hone their research and data analysis skills. Offering access to several thousand datasets in the University of Essex Data Archive, the Website's tutorial will teach users to search one of the largest online data archives in the Social Sciences, as well as teaching them how to download software and data, and how to run analyses on this data. In order to use the site effectively, visitors must have "about an hour and an understanding of multiple regression." There are other Social Science research tutorials on the Web, but none, to our knowledge, operate at such a sophisticated level and with such quality datasets. [DC]
[Back to Contents]DoubleTake Magazine, Summer 2000
Like its newsstand companion, this online version of DoubleTake features a selection of articles, fiction, poetry, and photography from widely recognized artists. The latest issue offers photoessays by Justin Kimball and Stephen Scheer -- the former examines the ways humans interact with nature in recreational settings (don't miss the photograph of the elderly Arizona woman standing in her walled-in yard, next to her state-of-the-art propane grill, with a nervous hand out, checking for rain); the latter presents a series of photographs revealing the dense urban text of Brooklyn architecture. Also included here are a memoir of bodysurfing, an article on surfer legend Greg Noll, an essay about the friendship of Ulysses S. Grant and Mark Twain, and poetry by Billy Collins and Yusef Komunyakaa, among other things. One very helpful feature is the "classroom companion" that indexes articles, stories and poems to high-profile social topics and contains a classroom activity manual, which supplements each item with discussion questions and creative, often outside-the-classroom, activities. A searchable archive of the previous twenty issues is also available. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Nobel E-Museum [RealPlayer]
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Foundation in June, the Foundation has redesigned and renamed its official Website. The main feature of the site is its archive of Nobel Prize Laureates. Complete listings of the winners in the six categories of economics, English, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace are provided at the site, as are profiles, detailed press releases summarizing the Award Committee's rationale, bibliographies, autobiographical statements, photographs of winners receiving their Nobel "diploma," and, in the case of recent winners, video files of their Nobel lecture or exclusive interview. There is also an interesting piece on Peace Prizewinners whose selection generated political controversy, including Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 and Carl von Ossietzky in 1935, a German prisoner of conscience under the Nazis. Background information in text and video form about the history of the Foundation, its prize, and the Nobel Museum is also posted. We encourage users to visit the site map for the clearest source of an overall directory to this valuable Website. [DC]
[Back to Contents]ushistory.org: The Declaration of Independence
This ushistory.org Website provides substantial information about the Declaration of Independence, its history, the men who signed it, and an online version of the famous document. Also included here is a lengthy excerpt from Thomas Jefferson's autobiography detailing the drafting of the Declaration, as well as profiles of all 56 signatories, information about the Graff House at the outskirts of Philadelphia where Jefferson wrote the document, and a short collection of annotated links. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Oregon Trail
Authored and maintained by Professors Mike Trinklein and Steve Boettcher, creators of the award-winning PBS documentary of the same title, this recently updated Website provides access to a wealth of information and documentation that the creators say they couldn't fit into the film. Included here is a "complete primer" on the Trail, images and text covering over two dozen historic sites along the trail, a collection of fascinating anecdotes about incidents and (mis)adventures suffered by pioneers along the way, and, last but by no means least, an archive of diaries, memoirs, and period books written during the overland period. A serviceable, if somewhat typical, teacher's guide is also provided. In a more commercial vein, the site features an online shop featuring videos, books, games, and audiocassettes. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Anthony's Egyptology and Archaeology [RealPlayer]
Created by Anthony C. DiPaolo, a lawyer and amateur Egyptologist, this Website is enthusiastic, informative, and a bit of a sprawl. It offers sections on Ancient Egyptian Gods, Egyptian Fonts, Mummies, Papyrus, Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian sites, a timeline of the Pharaohs, details of the pyramid complex at Giza, hints and tips on Egyptian travel, a discussion group, and more. A series of quick links about halfway down the homepage allows users to access text -- as well as, sometimes, graphic and audio information -- about such popular topics as the Sphinx; the Book of the Dead; the Great Ramses; the gods Osiris, Isis, and Anubis; and Cleopatra. A large, unannotated links page is also provided. It is unfortunate that this detail-rich site does not offer a search engine or a more detailed directory to help with its navigation. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Five Paragraph Essay
This Website provides thorough and easy-to-follow instructions for creating an organized five paragraph essay for the junior high school level. The Website presents guidance on brainstorming, drafting and organizing, and editing and revising, as well as prompts for practicing narrative, expository and persuasive forms. A "Tips and Techniques" section features advice on transitions, introductions and conclusions, and developing evidence. There is also some advice here for teachers on presenting and modeling the five-paragraph essay. Though often the bane of composition instructors at advanced high school and college levels, the five paragraph essay still offers a useful heuristic model for teaching beginning writers the basic rhetorical requirements of an essay, and this Website teaches the form about as well as one might. [DC]
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JAMA: "Homicide and Suicide Rates Associated With Implementation of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act"
Full text:
.pdf version (7 pages):
On Wednesday August 2nd, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published online their latest issue, which includes an article that analyzes the Brady Bill's impact on national homicide and suicide rates. According to the authors of the study, "based on the assumption that the greatest reductions in fatal violence would be within states that were required to institute waiting periods and background checks, implementation of the Brady Act appears to have been associated with reductions in the firearm suicide rate for persons aged 55 years or older but not with reductions in homicide rates or overall suicide rates." The information is sure to provide fresh ammunition for gun advocates as they seek to advance their agenda during the crucial final months of the presidential campaign. The article is available in both .pdf and .html formats, but when we visited we had problems downloading the .pdf version. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Two from the NCES:
Condition of Education 2000, Web Version -- National Center for Education Statistics
Education Statistics Quarterly - Summer 2000 Issue [.pdf, 135 pages]
On July 27th, the National Center for Education Statistics released its annual report Condition of Education, 2000 in a Web-based format. The report had been released earlier this summer in a .pdf version (see the June 9, 2000 Scout Report for a full description). This edition contains the same material as the earlier release but offers the ease of access of an .html format. On the same day, the Center also released its summer edition of the Education Statistics Quarterly, which includes short, i.e., less than fifteen pages in length, NCES publications of the last quarter, executive summaries of longer publications, descriptive paragraphs of other NCES products, notices about training and funding opportunities, and a featured publication with invited commentary pieces. [DC]
[Back to Contents]City Comparison -- Yahoo! Real Estate
Originally developed by VirtualRelocation.com and now hosted by Yahoo!, this Website allows users to make comparisons between hundreds of US cities on statistics in the areas of economics, real estate, education, quality of life, travel and transportation, and weather. Data posted includes cost of living, state income taxes, job growth, average home purchase cost, high school graduation rate, air pollution, population density, commute time, average temperatures, annual number of sunny days, and much more. The same data can also be examined for each city individually. While obviously most useful to the individual considering relocation, this Website could also be a useful tool to journalists, geographers, and researchers in selected areas of demographics research. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Issues in the 2000 Election: Health Care -- Kaiser Family Foundation/Washington Post Survey [.pdf, 28 pages]
Conducted in mid-July, this Washington Post/Henry J. Kaiser Foundation survey is the second in a series examining voters' attitudes on policy issues in relation to the ongoing presidential campaign. The survey is designed to compare the attitudes of issue-oriented voters and compare them to those of registered voters in general. Not surprisingly, those respondents identified as particularly oriented to health care and Medicare issues tended to believe that Gore and the Democrats would do a better job on these issues; but the general electorate did not demonstrate the traditional belief in a Democratic advantage on social issues, citing, for instance, Bush as more likely than Gore to stand up to special interests in the health care field. The results are posted in .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Batstone, William W. "Sulpicia And The Speech Of Men"
http://www.wbatstone.com/sulpicia.htmCarver, Steve et al. "Virtual Slaithwaite: A Web Based Public Participation
'Planning for Real' System" -- University of Leeds, School of Geography
http://rudi.herts.ac.uk/cs/slawit/index.htmlMacLean, Alair and Robert M. Hauser. "Socioeconomic Status and Depression among Adult Siblings" -- Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison [.pdf, 62 pages]
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cde/cdewp/2000-04.pdfPadron, Victor and Nikos A. Salingaros. "Ecology and the Fractal Mind in the New Architecture: a Conversation."
http://rudi.herts.ac.uk/rudiments/ecology/index.htmlQuillian, Lincoln and Devah Pager. "Black Neighbors, Higher Crime?: The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime" -- Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison [.pdf, 56 pages]
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cde/cdewp/2000-03.pdfAllcock, John. "Kosovo: Straight and Crooked (Historical) Thinking" -- The Kosovo War: Perspectives from Social, Political and International Theory
.RTF version:
http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/SPT/seminars/kosovo/allcock.rtfMagas, Branka. " Serbia and Kosova: The Historical and Regional Context" -- The Kosovo War: Perspectives from Social, Political and International Theory
.RTF version:
http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/SPT/seminars/kosovo/magas.rtfRosenberg, Justin. "Just War and Intervention: The Challenge of the International for Social and Political Thought" -- The Kosovo War: Perspectives from Social, Political and International Theory
.RTF version:
http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/SPT/seminars/kosovo/justwar.rtfShaw, Martin. "Kosova: Transformations of State and Warfare in the Global Revolution" -- The Kosovo War: Perspectives from Social, Political and International Theory
.RTF version:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Hoover Institution--Essays in Public Policy:
Singer, Fred S. "Climate Policy - From Rio to Kyoto: A Political Issue for 2000 - and Beyond"
.PDF version (56 pages):
http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/publications/epp/102/102complete.pdfInstitute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance:
"Nigeria: Assessing Democracy"
Full text (.pdf, 8 pages):
http://www.idea.int/whatsnew/nigeria%2007.pdfJerome Levy Economics Institute:
Godley, Wynne. "Drowning In Debt" -- Policy Notes
http://www.levy.org/docs/pn/00-6.htmlPopulation Reference Bureau:
"Despair and Hope: the HIV/AIDS Epidemic"
http://www.prb.org/pubs/wpds2000/Despair_and_Hope.htmUrban Institute:
Spillman, Brenda C. "Public Health Coverage for Adults: How States Compare" http://newfederalism.urban.org/html/series_b/b22/b22.html
.PDF version (8 pages):
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Baker&Taylor Academia--Upcoming Books to Buy (August 2000)
http://www.baker-taylor.com/Academia/M08/Home.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis--Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing--Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]International Labor Market Studies (ILM) 5th Annual Conference: A Skills Agenda for the New Millennium
December 11-12, 2000
Aberdeen, Scotland
http://www.mimas.ac.uk/surveys/news/ilmconf.htmlJRSA (Justice Research and Statistics Association)/ BJS (Bureau of Justice Statistics) National Conference: Transforming Data into Informed Policy in the 21st Century
November 2-3, 2000
Minneapolis, Minnesota
http://www.jrsainfo.org/events/conference/index.htmlTelevision: Past, Present and Future
December 1-3, 2000
University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
http://www.arts.uq.edu.au/cccs/pages/television/Popular Culture Association Conference
April 11-14, 2001
Philadelphia, PA
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts
The Antioch Review: Special All-Poetry Issue (Table of Contents, selected excerpts)
Summer 2000
http://www.antioch.edu/review/currissue.htmlGlobal Environmental Change (Part A) (Table of contents)
Volume: 10,Issue 1 (2000)
http://www.elsevier.nl/cdweb/journals/09593780/viewer.httScience Fiction Studies (Table of contents, abstracts)
Volume 27, Part 1 (March 2000)
http://www.uiowa.edu/~sfs/a80.htm#HussJournal of Islamic Studies (Table of contents, abstracts)
Volume 11, Issue 2 (May 2000)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/islamj/hdb/Volume_11/Issue_02/Behaviour Research and Therapy (Table of contents)
Volume 38, Issue 10 (2000)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/humanities/links.htmSocial Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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Gore Selects Senator Lieberman As Running Mate
1. New York Times on the Web: "Lieberman Is Gore's Pick for Running Mate, Democrats Say"
2. BBC News: "Gore Picks Running Mate"
3. Online Office of Senator Joe Lieberman
4. Congressional Quarterly Profile (from The Washington Post): Joseph Lieberman
5. Text of Senator Lieberman's Statement on the Floor of the Senate Re: President Clinton's Address on the Lewinsky Scandal, September 3, 1998
6. New York Times on the Web: How Lieberman Stands on the Issues (AP)
7. Gore 2000: Official Site of the Gore Campaign
Yesterday, Democratic Presidential candidate Al Gore announced his selection of Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate. The choice is widely seen as an attempt to separate Gore from the President's ethical controversies and to appeal to independent and Republican voters. Lieberman, the first orthodox Jew to be named to a major party's presidential ticket, was also the first Democrat to publicly criticize Clinton for his conduct in the Lewinsky affair and is known for his traditional stands on moral issues. Politically, Lieberman tends to be a centrist, even taking some typically Republican positions, such as his support of school vouchers and the privatization of Social Security. However, Republicans have already sought to paint him as a tax-loving liberal with deep ties to big business interests in health insurance and pharmaceuticals. While the choice clearly represents Gore's desire to position himself away from Clinton and in the center, some Democrats have worried that the moderate Lieberman will do little to appeal to the base of the Democratic party, namely labor, minorities, the left, and women. Unlike Bush, Gore has not yet solidified his support among these traditional Democratic constituencies. Some have also wondered aloud if Lieberman's religious affiliation will have an impact on the political race.
The New York Times(1) and the BBC News (2) have posted stories announcing Lieberman's selection and providing analysis and political reaction. The senator's online office (3) provides a biography, weekly updates on issues of particular interest to the Senator, links to voting records, committee sites on which the Senator serves, and more. Posted by the Washington Post, Lieberman's Congressional Quarterly profile (4) gives biographical facts about Lieberman, lists the committees on which he serves, and offers a voting profile taken from CQ Voting Studies. The US Senate Website posts the text of Lieberman's statement (5) expressing his anger and dismay at the President's affair with Monica Lewinsky and at the subsequent legal and public denials of the affair. The New York Times also offers an AP article (6) offering a quick run-down of Lieberman's stand on the major issues of education, Social Security, abortion, and trade. Gore 2000 (7) features updates on the candidate's itinerary (for instance, the site announces that Jewel will perform at Gore's "historic announcement" of his running mate in Nashville today) and up-to-date position statements in response to unfolding events in the campaign. [DC]
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