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"A Back to School Special Report on the Baby Boom Echo: Growing Pains" [.pdf, 29 pages]
Microsoft Word Version (29 pages):
Issued August 21, the latest installment in the Department of Education's annual report on the "Baby Boom Echo" -- defined as the expanding birth rate begun in 1977 as millions of baby boomers began to have their own children -- focuses on the institutional growing pains associated with an increasing school-age population. The report examines the issues of overcrowded schools, the press for new construction, the subsequent strain on the taxpayer base, changing school conditions in the city and suburbs, and challenges resulting from the rise of racial diversity in schools. Twenty-two statistical tables and figures highlight the findings. Note: an earlier annual edition of the report on the baby boom echo, Here Come the Teenagers, appeared in the September 26, 1997 Scout Report. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Political Organization Section 527 Search [.pdf]
Political Organizations -- IRS
A new disclosure law requires section 527 political organizations to file with the IRS "an initial notice of their existence, periodic reports on their contributors and expenditures, and an annual return, and requires the organization and the IRS to disclose these documents to the public." The initial notification forms from the organizations, which include a (usually terse) statement of purpose, have been placed online at the above site. Contact information (including email for many) for the often mysterious 527 organizations is also listed. Presumably, when reports and returns are received, they will also be placed on the site, making it a valuable tool for journalists and others interested in public disclosure. Users unfamiliar with 527 organizations should consult the second site, which offers brief explanations of how political organizations are exempted and taxed under 527. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Sociosite/ ICAAP Journals Database and Distribution Centre
In association with Sociosite, the International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication (ICAAP) offers a database of "full text, freely available, peer reviewed (and clearly identified) scholarly journals." In sum, the site features over 70 periodicals -- many of them in the fields of the social sciences and humanities. Relevant subject headings include environmental studies, history, humanities, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and sociology. Each listing features a basic and expanded entry that includes information such as the type of periodical (journal, newsletter, magazine, etc.), the type of review process, the publisher, a link to the publication, and in the expanded version, the periodical's start date, country of origin, and a brief description. In point of fact, many of the titles listed are not refereed journals, but magazines on scholarly topics with editorial, rather than peer, review. And, as is so often the case with Internet publications, some are updated more frequently than others. Nonetheless, there is much here to take advantage of, and perhaps as the field of electronic scholarly publishing evolves, this ambitious Website will evolve along with it. ICAAP "is a research and development laboratory and standards organization devoted to the advancement of electronic scholarly communication." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Children on the Brink 2000: Updated Estimates and Recommendations for Intervention [HIV/AIDS Impacts on Children] -- USAID [.pdf, 57 pages]:
Executive Summary [.pdf, 30 pages]:
This update of a 1997 USAID report examines how AIDS has transformed "large-scale orphaning" from a typically "sporadic, short-term problem" into a chronic problem that already is bound to extend through at least the first third of the 21st century. The report includes "new orphan estimates for 34 countries; a description of what children, families, and communities are doing to address the growing orphan problem; intervention strategies; and a new strategic agenda to guide coherent action by the world community." Such a document supplements the UN report released last December, The Children Left Behind: UNICEF and UNAIDS Issue New Report on AIDS Orphans (see the December 10, 1999 Scout Report). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Fingers to the Bone: United States Failure to Protect Child Farmworkers -- Human Rights Watch
According to this report released in June by Human Rights Watch, thirteen- to sixteen-year-old children are working 70 and 80-hour weeks in American fields and orchards under threat from heat illness, pesticide poisoning, injuries, and lifelong disabilities. The 112-page report documents these conditions -- both statistically and in the first person, reviews the lax laws that govern farmworkers in the US, and examines the racial dimension of the issue (the vast majority of farmworkers being Latino). The report conclusively illustrates that such occupational abuse of children doesn't only occur in so-called Third World nations. [DC]
[Back to Contents]After the Crisis: The Social Contract and the Middle Class in East Asia [.pdf, 63 pages]
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace recently placed online the complete text of After the Crisis: The Social Contract and the Middle Class in East Asia, authored by Nancy Birdsall and Stephan Haggard and published in July. The text examines the impact of the Asian financial crisis of 1997 upon an emergent, urban middle class and considers the key role this class is likely to play in the ongoing construction of the social contract in East Asia. [DC]
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American Memory: New Learn More About It Installments -- Library of Congress Learning Page
The Library of Congress Learning Page (see the March 15, 1996 Scout Report) has recently added five new installments to its Learn More About It educational supplements to American Memory collections. Created by educators and historians from across the country, these supplements place material from individual American Memory collections in their historical and cultural contexts, offering hypertext discussions of key figures, events, and movements. The new installments supplement the Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers, 1862-1939; Civil War Maps; Mapping the National Parks; Maps of Liberia, 1830-1870; and Railroad Maps, 1828-1900. American Memory collections are frequently featured in the Scout Report and may be searched in the Scout Archives, Signpost. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Save Our Sounds -- Smithsonian [RealPlayer]
A joint project of the Smithsonian and Library of Congress, this new Website represents the inauguration of a monumental effort to save "over one million recordings of American roots music, songs, poems, and speeches from 1890 to the present." With the help of American artists like Mickey Hart, Pete Seeger, Ry Cooder, and Carlos Santana, experts at the LOC and the Smithsonian have begun to restore and preserve original recordings, make digital and archival copies, and place recordings on the Web and in CD form. Currently, the Website offers an explanation of the project, an audio interview with Mickey Hart, a description of the preservation process, and an initial collection of recordings. These last include the first recording of "We Shall Overcome," circa 1948; Langston Hughes reading "I've Known Rivers"; the sounds of steam locomotives and satellites; John F. Kennedy honoring Robert Frost and the "power of poetry"; an interview with Jerry Garcia; and a Folkways selection of the Stanley Brothers singing "Rabbit in a Log." Users will need RealPlayer to listen to the selections. The hosts promise that the collection will be updated with new selections as the materials are digitized. The Website also offers a link for those who wish to consider giving their economic support to this worthy project. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Metis: A QTVR Interface for Ancient Greek Archaeological Sites [QuickTime]
Last reviewed in the March 26, 1999 Scout Report, this fascinating Website has since benefited from a major update. Metis now boasts in its QuickTime virtual reality collection 51 ancient Greek archaeological sites, including the Acropolis in Athens and the Temple of Aphaia in Aegina. Recent additions include, but are not limited to, Eleusis, Perachora, Corinth, Argos, and Olympia. The resolution is excellent, and users can rotate images 360 degrees, allowing them a panoramic view of these ancient grounds. Most movies are accompanied by site plans, which permit users to map out their virtual expeditions. Several of the movies also include embedded links that connect users to related information provided by the Perseus Project (first discussed in the October 17, 1997 Scout Report). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Psych Web
Created and maintained by Georgia Southern professor of psychology Russell Dewey, this Website offers a wealth of materials for students and researchers in the general field of psychology. Perhaps the site's most impressive feature is a searchable journals database offering a directory of annotated links to hundreds of online journals in psychology and related fields -- some of which offer free, full-text access. But there's a great deal more on the site as well, including annotated links to metasites in the field and APA style guidelines and tutorials; links to departments of psychology around the world; and a directory of annotated resources on various subfields and related topics such as statistics, social psychology, abnormal psychology, language and speech, memory, testing and assessment, behavioral psychology, career issues, cognitive science, and hundreds of others. There are also instructional materials on specific topics posted here such as hypnosis and lucid dreaming, sports psychology, psychology of religion, and cognitive therapy. Definitely a site for any undergraduate or graduate student of psychology to visit and bookmark. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Aboriginal Languages of Australia: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages -- World Wide Web Virtual Library
This WWW Virtual Library site features annotated links to over 130 resources for nearly 40 of Australia's indigenous languages. The resources are categorized by type of resource, language, and region (i.e., Australian state). Included here are links to dictionaries, word lists, complete texts -- some with translations, bilingual education resources, language courses, academic papers, bibliographies, relevant libraries, indigenous songs and sounds, language rights and policy Websites, and more. The resources are succinctly and informatively annotated with graphic icons to represent sites with original text and bibliographies or catalogs as well as dates-of-posting to the directory. Updated in late July, Aboriginal Languages of Australia is created and maintained by David Nathan of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies and sponsored by the Linguistics department of the University of Melbourne. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Creative Teaching Web Site
"If you're not having fun, you're not being the best teacher you can be," says the masthead of this Website, and we would tend to agree. Updated frequently, the site offers a host of materials designed to inspire teachers and refresh flagging energies as well as providing some specific instructional materials. The materials focus on teaching younger children -- though the site covers K-12 -- and emphasize interactive ways to engage children's learning skills that draw on contemporary media, including the Internet and video games. There is also an annotated list of useful links and a free email alerting service that periodically dispenses creative teaching tips and links to creative sites. Coming soon from this Website: Star Trek Captains and Teaching Style. The site is the brainchild of Robert Morgan, a teacher and educator for the past 30 years who currently holds the positions of Web Administrator and Director of the Computer, Space Science, Simulation, and Faculty Technology Training Center at University School in Shaker Heights, Ohio. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Rome: Republic to Empire
Created and maintained by Barbara McManus at the College of New Rochelle, this Website was constructed for a course taught by McManus entitled Rome in Film, Fiction, and Fact. The Website consists of pages on different historical and cultural topics, including Roman slavery; the rebellion of Spartacus; Julius Caesar, Antony, Octavian, and Cleopatra; Augustus and Tiberius; Caligula; Roman Republican government; Roman social classes; the Roman army; chariot racing; gladitorial games; theatrical entertainment; and more. Each page offers substantial information in hypertext on its subject and links to a Sources page listing Web and print resources for further study. A link is also provided from the homepage to McManus's syllabus, which links these materials into her course structure. McManus's approach, juxtaposing contemporary representations of Rome in literature and film with verified historical research, strikes us as satisfyingly both classical and postmodern. [DC]
[Back to Contents]FEED Magazine
FEED, one of the Web's most compendious 'zines, offers an original and insightful source of information on a wide variety of topics, such as "media, technology, science, the arts, and other aspects of pop culture." FEED features regular monthly columns, as well as numerous other frequently posted articles and essays. Featured at the site at the time of our visit were such offerings as an interview with a Penn State professor who has invented a kind of "aura sniffer"; a reluctantly admiring piece on prog rock; an examination of the effect of e-commerce on urban street culture; a look back, ten years later, at the propaganda of Operation Desert Storm; and an essay that explains why the decoded human genome is not a biological Philosopher's Stone. Past articles can be accessed from the front page, as can several special issues that focus on particular topics; in addition, a discussion forum called The Loop allows readers to chime in with their opinions. Users should be advised: the discovery of one interesting, well-written article after another can easily turn a quick visit to FEED into a lengthy stay. [SW]
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New Additions to ERIC Digests Database
ERIC Digests Index Page
The latest update to the ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Digest database (last described in the May 26, 2000 Scout Report) features 58 full-text short reports aimed at education professionals and the broader education community. Each report provides an overview of an education topic of current interest and offers references for further information. Sample titles include "Improving Adult English Language Learners' Speaking Skills," "Accessible Web Design," "Learning History through Children's Literature," and "Evaluation of World Wide Web Sites: An Annotated Bibliography." Users can search the entire ERIC Digests database from the index page. ERIC, part of the National Library of Education (NLE), is a nationwide education information system sponsored by the US Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). [MD]
[Back to Contents]Criminal Victimization 1999: Changes 1998-99 with Trends from 1993-99 -- Bureau of Justice Statistics [.pdf, 15 pages]:
ASCII Version:
Press Release:
Spreadsheets [.zip]:
Last week, the Department of Justice's Bureau of Statistics released its annual report on criminal victimization. "This report presents 1999 criminal victimization levels and rates from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)." Data on victim characteristics, victim-offender relationships, use of weapons, and trends in victimization rates from 1993 to 1999 are also included. According to the report, the overall violent crime rate declined ten percent -- the largest single-year percent decrease since the Survey began in 1973. In addition, property crime fell by nine percent. However, the drop in violent crime was the result of "a significant decrease in only one category," the simple assault rate; "declines in robbery and aggravated assault rates were not significant." The report is offered in .pdf and ASCII formats with separate spreadsheets in .zip format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Two Reports on the State of Women:
The World's Women 2000: Trends and Statistics -- UN Statistics Division
Press Release:
Summary of Main Findings:
Chapter Highlights (table of contents):
Statistical Tables:
Highlights of Women's Earnings, 1999 -- Bureau of Labor Statistics [.pdf, 38 pages]
In recent months, two significant collections of data documenting the status of women at the turn of the new millennium have appeared on the Web. The first, the online digest of the United Nation's The World's Women 2000: Trends and Statistics, was posted in late May and provides data and analysis on the worldwide status of women. It highlights statistics "on women's situation as compared to men's in a broad range of fields -- including families, health, education, work, human rights, and politics." Users can access the press release, a detailed summary of the main findings, shorter discussions of individual chapters, and sixteen individual data tables. The second, Highlights of Women's Earnings, 1999, was published by the United States's Bureau of Labor Statistics in mid-June. This 38-page document summarizes significant income statistics for women broken down by age, race, education, professional status, type of compensation (salaried vs. wage), type of employment (full vs. part-time), and other relevant categories. Among the significant findings: women earn approximately 77 percent as much as men do; also, the earnings gap is largest among whites and increases with age. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Vital Statistics of the United States, 1997, Volume I, Natality [.pdf]
The 1997 Natality Technical Appendix [.pdf, 40 pages]
Last week, the National Center for Health Statistics released the second installment of Vital Statistics of the United States, 1997, Volume I, Natality, adding twelve tables of data on births and fertility in the US to the twelve released in April. (There are 39 tables total with the remaining 15 to be released later this year.) The tables break down data on births, birth rates, and fertility rates by race, age, state and region, residency status, martial status, place of delivery, prenatal care, and other indicators. Many of the tables include data from previous years for the sake of comparison, reaching back in some cases to 1909. The Technical Appendix offers detailed descriptions of the data included, and all tables are posted individually in .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Two from NCES [.pdf]
"NAEP 1999 Trends in Academic Progress: Three Decades of Student Performance"
"Projections of Education Statistics to 2010"
The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) released two new reports last month. The first, a 138-page report from NCES's National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), presents long-term trends in the performance of nine-, thirteen-, and seventeen-year-olds in reading, mathematics, and science. The NAEP has administered assessments in these three areas since the early seventies (1969 for seventeen-year-olds in science), and this report summarizes the findings, including overall national trends, trends analyzed by student subgroup (e.g., ethnicity, gender, parents's level of education), and data on experiences at school and home that may have an impact on achievement (e.g., classroom equipment, television watching). Generally speaking, the NAEP reports that math and science performance declined in the 1970s but increased during the 1980s and early 1990s, remaining mostly stable since then. Students made modest gains in reading, and improved most clearly across the assessment years in mathematics. The second report listed is part of an ongoing series begun in 1964. The 179-page report revises projections made in last year's "Projections of Education Statistics to 2009" (see the August 20, 1999 Scout Report), and includes national data covering the last fourteen years and projections to the year 2010 for enrollments, teachers, graduates, and expenditures; and state-level projections for enrollment graduates to the year 2010. [TK]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Unfinished Business: Justice for East Timor -- Human Rights Watch Press Backgrounder
Last week marked the one-year anniversary of the vote for independence in East Timor and the violence and destruction, supported by Indonesian military forces, that followed. This backgrounder report from Human Rights Watch reviews events of the past year and efforts by the UN -- and questionable ones by the Indonesian government -- to bring those Indonesian leaders responsible for the outbreak to justice. With the scheduled announcement this week of 20 suspects by the Indonesian government, Human Rights Watch sees this as a critical juncture in the effort to achieve justice for East Timor. The report offers recommendations for the UN generally and, in particular, to the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor. A link is also provided to the section on East Timor in their 1999 World Report. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Garfinkel, Irwin et al. "The Roles of Child Support Enforcement and Welfare in Nonmarital Childbearing" [.pdf, 28 pages] -- Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Princeton University [.pdf, 28 pages]
Tables [.pdf]
Table 1:
Table 2:
Table 3:
http://opr.princeton.edu/crcw/working%20papers/WP00-06-table3.pdfHao, Lingxin and Ross L. Matsueda. "Family Dynamics through Childhood: A Sibling Model of Behavior Problems" -- Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington [.pdf, 45 pages]
http://www.csss.washington.edu/Papers/wp7.pdfKuo, Hsiang-Hui and John Robert Warren. "How to Measure 'What People Do For a Living' in Research on the Socioeconomic Correlates of Health" -- Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington [.pdf, 22 pages]
http://www.csss.washington.edu/Papers/wp8.pdfMcClanahan, Sara and Bruce Western. "Fathers Behind Bars: The Impact of Incarceration on Family Formation" -- Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Princeton University [.pdf, 21 pages]
http://opr.princeton.edu/crcw/working%20papers/WP00-08-WesternMcL-FathersBehindBars.pdfMcClanahan, Sara and Irwin Garfinkel. "The Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study: Questions, Design, and a Few Preliminary Results" -- Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Princeton University [.pdf, 46 pages]
Tables [.pdf, 10 pages]
http://opr.princeton.edu/crcw/working%20papers/WP00-07-tables.pdfPenubarti, Mohan and Michael D. Ward. "Commerce and Democracy" -- Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington [.pdf, 15 pages]
http://www.csss.washington.edu/Papers/wp6.pdfWard, Michael D. and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. "Location, Location, Location: An MCMC Approach to Modeling Spatial Context with Categorical Variables in the Study and Prediction of War" -- Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington [.pdf, 24 pages]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Hoover Institution:
Moore, Thomas Gale. "In Sickness and in Health: The Kyoto Protocol versus Global Warming" [.pdf, 48 pages]
Executive Summary [.pdf, 1 page]:
Singer, S. Fred. "Climate Policy -- From Rio to Kyoto: A Political Issue for 2000 -- and Beyond" [.pdf, 56 pages]
Executive Summary [.pdf, 6 pages]:
http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/publications/epp/102/102a.pdfUrban Institute:
Steuerle, Eugene and Adam Carasso. "Social Security Benefits and the Language of Guarantees" - Policy Brief
.pdf version (2 pages):
Perun, Pamela. "The Limits of Saving"
.pdf version (16 pages):
http://www.urban.org/pdfs/retire_7.pdfThe Jerome Levy Economics Institute:
Wray, L. Randall. "Why Does The Fed Want Slower Growth?" - Policy Note
http://www.levy.org/docs/pn/00-7.htmlPopulation Studies Center - University of Michigan:
Hermalin, Albert I. "Challenges to Comparative Research on Intergenerational Transfers. Elderly in Asia" [.pdf, 25 pages]
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Baker&Taylor Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (September 2000)
http://www.baker-taylor.com/Academia/M09/Home.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]Pennsylvania Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
March 11-13, 2001
Pennsylvania State University
State College, Pennsylvania
http://www.outreach.psu.edu/c&i/JrScience&Humanities/#infoPopular Culture Association Conference
April 11-14, 2001
Philadelphia, PA
http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~pcaaca/national/2001chairs.htmThe Early American Economy: Past, Present, Future (Program in Early American Economy and Society)
April 19-21, 2001
Philadelphia, PA
http://www.librarycompany.org/Economics/Conferencedefault.htmWomen in Print
September 14-15, 2001
Madison, WI
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts
Learned Publishing (full-text)
Volume 13, Number 3 (July 2000)
http://www.catchword.com/alpsp/09531513/v13n3/contp1-1.htm 2000Freezerbox: Politics and Culture on Planet Earth (full-text, e-zine)
September 4, 2000
http://www.freezerbox.com/Cervantes (table of contents, full-text in .pdf, Spanish and English articles)
Volume 20, Number 1 (Spring 2000)
http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/csa/bcsas00.htmHealth Policy and Planning (table of contents, abstracts, full-text in .pdf)
Volume 15, Number 2 (June 2000)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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Historic UN Summit Begins Tomorrow
1. AP via Yahoo!News: "World Leaders Assemble at UN"
2. CNN: "New York prepares for UN Millennium Summit"
3. United Nations Millennium Assembly Website
4. Millennium Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations: "We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century" [.pdf]
5. BBC News: UN Millennium Summit
6. Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations [.pdf]
7. Charter 99: A Charter for Global Democracy
8. Christian Science Monitor (Opinion): "Why UN Can't Keep Peace"
In New York tomorrow the UN begins the largest conference in its history -- the UN Millennium Summit. More than 150 world leaders will attend, and many of them will speak during the plenary sessions of the three-day conference. (Due to the sheer number of speakers, each will be limited to five minutes.) The specific goal of the conference is the anticipated adoption of the so-called Millennium Declaration, a document committing its signatories to the eradication of poverty, the promotion of education, and the reversal of the spread of HIV/AIDS. However, much of the participants's attention will be devoted to the issues surrounding ongoing UN peacekeeping efforts in places like Sierra Leone, East Timor, and Kosovo. In addition, national leaders will be pursuing specific agendas of their own. Prominent among these will be Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who will be holding separate discussions with President Clinton in an effort to reach an agreement by the September 13th deadline for a Mideast peace treaty. In the wake of recent reports critical of UN effectiveness, UN reform is also scheduled to be a major item on the agenda.
Yahoo!News (AP) (1) and CNN (2) post stories discussing the opening of the summit tomorrow and the context of continuing global conflict in which it begins; CNN's site includes a list of world leaders to speak at the summit. The UN's official Website for the summit (3) makes available press releases, world leader statements, and relevant UN resolutions, in addition to featuring a live webcast of the plenary sessions. The Millennium Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations (4), released in April in anticipation of the conference, offers "the most comprehensive presentation of the UN's mission in its fifty-five year history, containing numerous specific goals and programme initiatives" (see the April 27, 2000 Scout Report for further details). The BBC News Website UN Millennium Summit (5) provides in-depth analysis and background on the summit and the issues to be discussed, including UN peacekeeping around the world. The Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations(6), released on August 23rd and written by a UN-commissioned independent panel, gives a failing grade to recent UN peace operations and makes strong recommendations for reform (for a full description, see the August 25, 2000 Scout Report). Charter 99, a United Kingdom Non-governmental Organization (7) that will be submitting its Charter for Global Democracy at the summit, devotes a section of their Website to NGO summit involvement and argues that the UN still offers a viable means for global change. Finally, the Christian Science Monitor(8) offers a column by Dennis Jett claiming that the UN's organizational culture and the self-interested use of it by individual nations prevents it from achieving its lofty goals. [DC]
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