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Open Letter to Our Readers
Dear Readers: Here at the Internet Scout Project, we have been working on securing a new source (or sources) of funding for the Scout Reports. We are soliciting your ideas in an Open Letter to Readers that has been sent to the subscriber mailing lists and is available on our Website. Please read the letter at the address above and send us your ideas.
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United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development [.pdf]
Created in 1992 during the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the UN's Commission on Sustainable Development provides documents, news, links, and information on upcoming agendas and regional consultations for Rio+10: The World Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002. The site links to the upcoming conference's Website and also offers complete copies of the agreements reached at the 1992 summit, materials on Small Island Developing States, major international forest policy documents, data on voluntary national reporting about sustainable development, and much more that is relevant to the issue and the conference. Some documents are in .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Sex On TV: Content and Context -- Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation [.pdf, 82 pages]
Executive Summary [.pdf, 12 pages]
Press Release:
On February 6th, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation released their second installment in a biennial study on sex on television. The report examines "both the amount and the nature of television's sexual messages, paying special attention to references to such issues as contraception, safer sex, and waiting to have sex." Analyzing 1,114 programs from the 1999-00 television season across ten different channels, representing broadcast, public, cable, independent, and premium channels, the report documents changes that have occurred in the presentation of sexual messages on television in the last two years. The study is offered both in its entirety and in a twelve-page executive summary. Not surprisingly, the report finds a significant increase in sexual content over the last two years -- even though data did not include recent episodes of Temptation Island.[DC]
[Back to Contents]1999-2000 Standards and Quality in Education: The Annual Report of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools
The UK's annual report of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools provides data and commentary on inspections of UK schools conducted in the last year in accordance with Parliament's School Inspection's act of 1996. The report focuses on high performing schools as assessed by on-site monitoring of teaching, academic performance of students, written assessment, published reports, and information on the schools provided by the head teacher. Assessments are provided of elementary, secondary, post-compulsory, and special education. An extensive commentary considers recent gains as well as areas in need of improvement, and makes suggestions for undertaking such improvements. In particular, the report considers the impact of recent education initiatives such as the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Internet Economy Indicators [.pdf]
Internet Economy Indicators published in January the third of its biannual reports on the state of the Internet economy (for information on the June 2000 report, see the September 7, 2000 Scout Report for Business & Economics). The latest report finds that "the addition of 612,375 jobs in the Internet Economy in the first six months of 2000 was nearly as much as all of 1999 (when 650,000 jobs were added)." These data apparently belie more dire recent predictions concerning the state of the Internet economy. The report offers data and analysis of employment, revenues, types of jobs, comparison of Internet employment growth to the rest of the economy, comparison of Internet employment growth to revenue growth, and more. Funded by Cisco systems, the report was conducted by the University of Texas. Questions about the influence of corporate sponsors aside, the information here serves as a counterbalance to concerns about dot.com crashes (the report points out that dot.coms make up less than ten percent of the Internet's economy). The full report is offered in .pdf format with an executive summary, key findings, an overview, and selected data also posted on-site in HTML. The site also features an extensive report entitled Dot Coms and Productivity in the Internet Economy as well as an archive of previous biannual reports. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Rural Poverty Report 2001 - The Challenge of Ending Rural Poverty -- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) [.pdf]
Recently published, the International Fund for Agricultural Development's report on rural poverty argues that to reduce poverty, international efforts must focus on "legally secure entitlements to assets (especially land and water); technology (above all for increasing the output and yield of food staples); access to markets; opportunities to participate in decentralized resource management; and access to microfinance." The extensive document is posted in .pdf format with the above address linking to its table of contents. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Two from Internet Resources -- Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
Resources for library assessment
Communication sciences and disorders -- A list of resources
These recently posted annotated descriptions of online resources and references in library assessment and in communication sciences and disorders are part of the latest from the Internet Resources series from ACRL. Written by Kathleen Bauer, a librarian at the Yale School of Medicine, the first provides links to government and institutional sites relating to the economic, educational, and demographic assessment of American libraries. The second webliography, written by librarians Edward L. F. Gonzalez, Judith M. Kuster, and Laura Steinbach, "highlights several Internet sources based on their authoritative nature, scope, and relevance to librarians, students, faculty, researchers, clinicians, and individuals possessing firsthand experience with communication disorders." [DC]
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Civics Online [RealPlayer]
Designed by Lansing, Michigan area K-12 teachers and faculty at Michigan State University, this handsome and well-organized site is a fine resource for K-12 teachers and students. At the site, users can search for and retrieve a variety of digitized primary sources related to American government and democracy, such as treaties, court decisions, inaugural addresses, maps, paintings, and photos. There are numerous search options and each resource includes notes on the applicable "Core Democratic Values" and Michigan Curriculum Strands. The Teachers section also features hypermedia case studies, a collection of useful annotated links, and information on the Michigan Curriculum Framework. The Students section includes a glossary, timeline, annotated links, and a "a civic adventure tracing civic themes and using primary sources to consider the case of Elian Gonzalez." Finally, the Parents area offers an introduction to civic education, a guide to using the site and exploring civics with children, and related links. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Three on Canadian Regional History -- Canada's Digital Collections [RealPlayer, QuickTime]
Ghosts of the Northwest Coast
Story of the Missouri Coteau Region
Industrial Hamilton: A Trail to the Future
Canada's Digital Collections has recently posted three new educational Websites on the history of Canada. The first, Ghosts of the Northwest Coast, examines the history of British Colombia using interactive elements, including folk songs and graphic links, to present chapters focusing on different elements of the region's past, including its first explorers (who were actually fur trappers), the early steamboat industry, the Fraser Gold Rush, early forestry and law enforcement, the role of the church in the early settler culture, emigration and agricultural development, maritime exploration, and frontier towns. To play the songs, visitors will need RealPlayer or QuickTime. The second Website teaches about the lower portion of the Saskatchewan known as the Missouri Coteau region, which borders North Dakota. The site offers ample illustrated information on the geological, aboriginal, and industrial history of the area as well as on homesteading, frontier culture, and the development of towns and villages. An educational games section for children has also been provided. The last Website listed above takes a look at Hamilton, Canada, a city that is often called the Birmingham of Canada because of its industrial focus. Of all three sites, this one offers the most comprehensive coverage of its topic and seems to be geared especially for advanced students and even, to some degree, researchers. The various sections feature attractive, extensive, hypertext essays on numerous topics relating to the industrial development of Hamilton over the last two hundred years from mid-size village, to national railroad hub, to the most technologically advanced industry center in Canada in the 21st century. Aficionados of industrial history on the Web will definitely want to check this one out. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Web Gallery of Art
This Website "contains over 8,000 digital reproductions of European paintings and sculptures created between the years 1150 and 1750" supplemented with commentary on their technique and history. The site has been online since 1996, but this month completed a major update, adding over 700 images, including the works of 47 new artists, and new images and commentaries on already featured artists such as Andrea del Castagno, Domenico Veneziano, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Michelangelo, and Paolo Uccello. The gallery has several navigation options: guided thematic tours, a quick index (with artist's names listed), an artist's index (giving more detailed information), and a search engine. The images are expandable from their thumbnail catalog size and feature width and height-to-frame options and enlarge or reduce from 100 percent choices. We found both images and text to be well formulated and consider this a fine site for reference, classroom, or personal use. The site is maintained by Emil Kren and Daniel Marx. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Centennial Exhibition -- Philadelphia 1876
The Free Library of Philadelphia presents this online look at one of the great nineteenth-century World's Fairs: the Centennial Exhibition of 1876, celebrating America's 100th birthday. The Website is organized into a variety of sections to help modern visitors recreate the experience of visiting the fair, but which may obscure the site's structure. The Tours section is a good starting point, featuring an interactive color panorama that's a jumping off place to major fair buildings such as the Women's Pavilion, the Horticultural Hall, or the Main Exhibition Building. Other highlights include the Centennial Schoolhouse with children's activities: a timeline, and paper model of the fair that can be printed and built. Types of historical materials presented include postcards, trade cards, wood engravings, albumen photographs, manuscripts, and children's books. In addition to the digitized historical images, the online exhibition makes heavy use of specially designed graphics, and loading these image-intensive pages may result in some long waits. For impatient types, there is a quick search box, and an advanced search for searches by subjects, captions, material types, and a link to search bibliographic records for the collection in the Free Library of Philadelphia catalog. [DS]
[Back to Contents]The Glory of Chinese Printing
This online exhibit from the Printing Museum of China examines the development, types, techniques, and artistry of Chinese printing with an emphasis on materials from ancient times. Different sections discuss the advent of standardized characters; character-carving skills; paper, writing brushes, and ink; the invention of printing; printing in the Mid- and Late-Tang, the Yuan, Ming, Song, Qing and Five dynasties; and more. Sections feature graphic elements with explanatory text (captions are provided in Chinese and English). The exhibit is supported by the Hong Kong Printers Association, the Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Printing Industry Workers Union. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Hopes on the Horizon: Africa in the 1990s -- PBS [RealPlayer]
This companion Website to the PBS documentary of the same name that premiered last week "chronicles the rise of pro-democracy movements in six African countries during the 1990s: Benin, Nigeria, Rwanda, Morocco, Mozambique, and South Africa. For each country, the Website provides a profile, a brief synopsis of events in the 1980s and '90s, an essay by an African scholar or expert in African studies, questions for discussion, suggested readings, a transcript of the portion of the documentary devoted to that country, and video and audio clips from the program. [DC]
[Back to Contents]A Glossary of Political Economy Terms
Authored by Paul M. Johnson, political scientist at Auburn University, this Website serves as an excellent online reference for students of political economy. There are over 200 definitions here of relevant terms, including capitalism, communism, market economy, tariff, supply side economics, law of supply and demand, macroeconomics, and many more. The entries feature hypertext links to related terms in the glossary. Definitions range from a concise sentence to a brief essay depending on the topic. Communism, for instance, receives well over a full frame; capitalism is defined in a few sentences. Nonetheless, the definitions seem to be without any definite political bias and more-than-adequate for students in high school and undergraduate courses as well as, of course, for the merely curious. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Sexual Harassment Resources -- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro [.pdf]
The Jackson Library at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro offers an annotated, hypertext discussion of resources concerning sexual harassment. The recently updated site includes numerous links to federal government and military materials as well as to important Supreme Court decisions. Websites and documents from educational and institutional sources are also linked to and described. Some documents are in .pdf format. [DC]
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Census 2000 Data Access and Use
Posted by Proximity, a company dedicated to designing and developing "component-based information resources," this Website presents US Census data and related material. Updated weekly, the Website focuses on news about Census data releases; descriptions of Census 2000 data products; linkage of Census 2000 data with data from other decennial programs, most notably the 1990 census and other federal statistical data; Census 2000 data access issues in other federal agencies; and methodological resources and information concerning Census data and use. For example, those interested in apportionment issues can find plenty of materials here previewed in readable prose. All documents are presented in .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]World Employment Report 2001: Life at Work in the Information Economy -- International Labour Organization [.pdf]
Recently released by the International Labour Organization, the World Employment Report 2001 "examines the impact of the new information and communication technologies on life at work at a time when the global employment situation still remains of considerable concern." Currently, only the overview and the statistical annex are available online. These resources are, however, both quite thorough treatments of the report. The overview touches on fourteen separate topics including the widening digital divide, the information economy's effect on the market, and the spatial distribution of employment. Each point is given several paragraphs in the overview. The statistical annex contains four large tables: Information technology indicators, Labour force participation rate, Employment to population ratio, and Unemployment rate. [EM]
[Back to Contents]Tobacco Use Behavior Research
Made available by the Social Sciences Data Collection at the University of California, San Diego, Tobacco Use Behavior Research offers a compendium of data reports on its topic. Posted data include California's Teen Longitudinal Survey 1990-1996, per capita sales of tobacco products from the Tobacco Institute, and tobacco use in California reports from 1990 to 1996. A 50-item bibliography of articles and books related to tobacco use behavior is also available on-site. The Website is regularly updated, and documents are posted in .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]New Additions to ERIC Digests Database
ERIC Digests Index Page
The latest update to the ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Digest database (last described in the November 3, 2000 Scout Report) features 28 full-text short reports aimed at education professionals and the broader education community. Each report includes an overview of an education topic of current interest and offers references for further information. Sample titles include "Laptop Computers in the K-12 Classroom," "Teaching Archaeology," "Critical Literacy for Adult Literacy in Language Learners," and "The Role of Teachers in Urban School Reform." Users can search the entire ERIC Digests database from the index page. ERIC, part of the National Library of Education (NLE), is a nationwide education information system sponsored by the US Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). [MD]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Duffy, Bobby. "Satisfaction and Expectations: Attitudes to Public Services in Deprived Areas" -- Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) [.pdf, 50 pages]
http://sticerd.lse.ac.uk/dps/casepdfs/CasePapers/CASEpaper45.pdfGlennerster, Howard. "US Poverty Studies and Poverty Measurement: The past twenty-five years" -- Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) [.pdf, 32 pages]
http://sticerd.lse.ac.uk/dps/casepdfs/CasePapers/CASEpaper42.pdfHobcraft, John. "The Roles of Schooling and Educational Qualifications in the Emergence of Adult Social Exclusion" -- Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) [.pdf, 72 pages]
http://sticerd.lse.ac.uk/dps/casepdfs/CasePapers/CASEpaper43.pdfSefton, Tom. "Getting Less for More: Economic Evaluation in the Social Welfare" -- Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) [.pdf, 33 pages]
http://sticerd.lse.ac.uk/dps/casepdfs/CasePapers/CASEpaper44.pdfAnheier, Helmut K. "Managing Non-Profit Organisations: Towards A New Approach" -- Centre for Civil Society Working Paper Series [.pdf, 21 pages]
http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/ccs/cswp1.pdfKendall, Jeremy. "The Mainstreaming of the Third Sector into Public Policy in England in the Late 1990s: Whys and Wherefores" -- Centre for Civil Society Working Paper Series [.pdf, 30 pages]
http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/ccs/cswp2.pdfMorris, Susannah. "Defining the Non-Profit Sector: Some Lessons from History" -- Centre for Civil Society Working Paper Series [.pdf, 25 pages]
http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/ccs/cswp3.pdfKatyal, Jagdish C. and Paul L.G. Vlek. "Desertification - Concept, Causes and Amelioration" -- Center for Development Research [.pdf, 73 pages]
http://www.zef.de/download/zef_dp/zef_dp00-33.pdfStark, Oded. "On a Variation in the Economic Performance of Migrants by their Home Country's Wage" -- Center for Development Research [.pdf, 18 pages]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
Greenstein, Robert. "How Would Families at Different Income Levels Benefit from the Bush Tax Cut?"
http://www.cbpp.org/2-6-01tax3.htmShapiro, Isaac, Allen Dupree and James Sly. "An Estimated 12 Million Low- and Moderate-Income Families -- with 24 Million Children -- Would Not Benefit from Bush Tax Plan"
http://www.cbpp.org/2-7-01tax.htmThe Heritage Foundation:
"Why the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Is Wrong about the Cost of Bush's Tax Plan"
http://www.heritage.org/shorts/20010216taxes.htmlThe Jerome Levy Economics Institute:
Papadimitriou, Dimitri B. and L. Randall Wray. "Fiscal Policy For the Coming Recession: Large Tax Cuts are Needed to Prevent a Hard Landing"
http://www.levy.org/docs/pn/01-2.htmlGodley, Wynne. "Fiscal Policy To The Rescue"
http://www.levy.org/docs/pn/01-1.htmlNew York Immigrant Coalition:
Welfare Reform and Health Care: The Wrong Prescription for Immigrants [.pdf, 69 pages]
http://www.solfopro.com/nyih/Final%20Report%20-The%20Wrong%20Prescription%20for%20Immigrants.PDFThe Urban Institute:
Reischauer, Robert D. "Medicare Reform and Prescription Drugs" -- Testimony of the President of Urban Institute before the Senate Budget Committee
http://www.urban.org/TESTIMON/reischauer02-15-01.htmlMoon, Marilyn. "Prescription Drugs as a Starting Point for Medicare Reform" -- Testimony of Urban Institute Senior Fellow before the Senate Budget Committee
http://www.urban.org/TESTIMON/moon02-15-01.htmlVroman, Wayne. "Compensating American Families for Births and Adoptions"
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Michigan State University Press Online -- New Releases
http://www.msu.edu/unit/msupress/newrel/newrlst.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]The Fourth Annual International Workshop on Presence
May 21-23, 2001
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
http://www.temple.edu/presence2001/Digital Resources for the Humanities 2001
July 8-10, 2001
University of London, UK
http://www.drh.org.uk/44th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association
Africa And The African Diaspora: Past, Present, Future
November 15-18, 2001
Houston, Texas
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Online periodicals
Economic and Political Weekly [.pdf] (online weekly journal)
January 27, 2001
http://www.epw.org.in/index2.htmFeminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources (table of contents, some articles)
Volume 22, No. 1 (Fall 2000)
http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/fc/fctc221.htmWestern Criminology Review (full text)
Volume 3, No. 1 (January 2001)
http://wcr.sonoma.edu/v3n1/v3n1.htmlSociological Research Online (online journal)
Volume 5, No. 3 (November 2000)
http://www.socresonline.org.uk/5/3/contents.htmlEssays in Criticism (table of contents)
Volume 50, No. 3 (July 2000)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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Flap over Census 2000 Count
1. Washingtonpost.com: "Commerce Secretary to Decide on Census"
2. Yahoo! News (AP): "Dems Blast Census Sampling Decision"
3. Chicago Tribune: "Census Director Says Accuracy Improved, But Undercounts A Concern"
4. US Census Bureau: "Frequently Asked Questions -- How Does Sampling Account For People Who Don't Respond?"
5. US Census Bureau: Congressional Apportionment
6. US Census Bureau: "Should The Census Bureau Use 'Statistical Sampling' In Census 2000?" [Article from Insight magazine, August 18, 1997]
7. Department of Commerce v. United States House of Representatives -- Supreme Court Decision (Legal Information Institute's Supreme Court Collection)
On Friday, Commerce Secretary Don Evans announced that he, not the Census Bureau, would make the final call on whether to adjust the 2000 Census results to include the estimated undercount of just above one percent. This set off a storm of criticism from congressional Democrats who claimed the Bush administration was politicizing the Census count. (Most analysts believe that an adjusted count will lead to re-districtings favoring the Democrat's chances in the next congressional election.) The White House countered that such a decision is mandated to the appointed representatives of the elected President, not to bureaucrats. Former President Clinton had given the final say to the Director of the Census Bureau, ostensibly to de-politicize the process. But with re-districting stakes so high, it is unlikely that either Republicans or Democrats are ready to approach this issue as one of mere statistics. Indeed, the controversy of the last few years over sampling (a process whereby the Census Bureau makes statistical estimates of uncounted households using surveys of counted ones) has already made the issue the subject of two Supreme Court rulings. The acting director of the Census must make his recommendations by the first of March. Secretary Evans will issue a decision and final count by March 5th.
The online Washington Post(1) examines Friday's decision and its highly politicized context. Yahoo! News has posted an AP story (2) reports on comments made by the Census director last Wednesday regarding the Census' accuracy and undercount. The Census Bureau has posted a FAQ (4) on sampling at their site that offers easy-to-understand explanations of the sampling process. Their site also provides a thorough description of congressional apportionment (5) and the complete text of a 1997 article laying out an argument for the use of sampling (6). The Supreme Court Collection at the Website of the Legal Information Institute (see the June 27, 1997 Scout Report) offers the complete text (with dissents) of the Supreme Court's 1999 ruling that data from sampling techniques cannot be used for apportionment numbers (7). Dozens more resources on the 2000 Census and the undercount issue can be accessed through searching the Scout Report Archives. [DC]
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