
Dracula Blogged

Bryan Alexander, a professor of English literature at the Center for Educational Technology who specializes in the transformative impact of digital technologies in the liberal arts world, is serializing Bram Stoker's Dracula as a blog. Individual pieces of the novel appear on the calendar dates indicated in the text, starting with Jonathan Harker's May 3rd Bistriz journal entry, and finishing up with November 6 and the final Note.


This ambitious, database-driven online resource celebrates the power of place through in-depth profiles of 46,000 American communities and thousands of parks, museums, historic sites, colleges, schools and other places.

Culture Jamming Makes it Big

Culture Jamming is a way that artists and others offer trenchant social criticism. Usually, this is done by modifying billboards, putting bizarre pieces of art into museums surrepitiously, and so on. One such proponent of this activity is the well-known culture jammer, Banksy. At this site, you can check out some of his more recent projects.


Yugo Nakamura is a creative director, designer and engineer exploring various forms of interactive systems in digital and networked environments. His very cool personal website presents a range of fascinating interactive works. The site requires Macromedia Flash Player.

Store Wars

The Organic Trade Association has produced this clever take-off on the Star Wars franchise, starring live-action food puppets to help consumers Learn the Ways of the Farm. The Macromedia Flash Player browser plug-in is required.


The creators of this Web-based, anti-plagiarism tool claim it lets you easily identify sites that have copied your content without permission, as well as those who are quoting your site. Just plug in the URL of your original webpage and see what Copyscape brings back.


This tidy-looking blog bills itself as A Journey Through Junkland - Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Antique Shops, Garage & Estate Sales, Collecting, Odd Finds, Swaps. Fine, I'm there.

The Meatrix

You don't have to be vegetarian to be impressed by the creativity of this online animated film that opposes industrialized meat production and claims to be the most-watched online advocacy film ever. But it helps.
