600,426,974,379,824,381,952 Ways to Spell Viagra
That's over six hundred quitillion! Cockeyed offers up this nice explanation of why friendly promotional mailings for those little blue pills keep making it through our spam filters.
That's over six hundred quitillion! Cockeyed offers up this nice explanation of why friendly promotional mailings for those little blue pills keep making it through our spam filters.
Sean Palmer was lucky enough to get picked as a trial user for Google's new Gmail service and was kind enough write up this review for the rest of us. Gmail is a web-based mail service that, among other things, will offer 1GB of free storage space. Perhaps most notably, Gmail steps away from the idea of mailboxes and replaces them with a classification system. Messages can be assigned one or more user-defined labels which can be used in conjunction with a built-in Google search. Nifty.
This website links to information on Native North American authors. Search alphabetically by Author, Title or Tribe to find bibliographies of published works, biographical information, and links to online resources including interviews, online texts and tribal websites.
This website features the creations of artist Marco Evaristti. Users can view his newest and probably most challenging work - painting an iceberg red in the frigid sea off the coast of Western Greenland.
Wired is carrying an article on an incredibly confusing service that allows users to spend real money on
>imaginary gifts That part is straight forward enough, the confusing bit is that people seem to be doing it.
In related news, if anyone is interested, this Scout blogger would be more than happy to spend your money on imaginary gifts. I will fake-purchase anything and fake-deliver it anywhere.
It seems that Windows isn't the only foul-mouthed operating system out there. Here are swear words in the Linux kernel graphed by kernel version and number of occurences. Be warned, this page contains between five and seven instances of actual swear word use.
What could be more honorable than remembering those who improve our gene pool...by removing themselves from it? The Darwin Award website has all sorts of enlightening stories to help you feel better about yourself and your relative standing in the human race.
It sounds really garbled, and it seems like the kind of thing that could destroy a monitor, but if you've got an old CRT and the technical prowess to install the software, you can broadcast AM radio. Now we just sit back and wait for thousands of creepy robot-voiced political pundits to take over the AM radio dial ...
If you thought your winter was long and dreary, take a look out the window at the Halley Research Station -- Antarctica. The image is updated weekly.
Recently, it was discovered that factory workers developed a rare lung disease probably due to exposure to butter flavoring vapors in microwave popcorn. CNN reports on the initiation of EPA studies dealing with the type and amount of chemicals released into the air when a popcorn bag is popped and opened.