
San Dilego Online

A labor of love, or something, this page guides the user through an imaginary town built out of Legos. The site includes descriptions and pictures of the town's various government resources, restaurants and sites. Users can also read the town's online newspaper

A Silly Way to Surf the Net

Webcollage provides the fun of websurfing while cutting down on such features as practicality and predictability. This page presents users with a collage made up of randomly selected images from various webpages. By clicking on the image, the user is then taken to the page from which it came. Serendipity at its best.

An Attractive and Somewhat Confusing Way to Search The Internet

KartOO's flash-based metasearch interface returns results in an interesting, if not entirely intuitive, map-like format that allows users to add and subtract related search terms. A non-flash version is available for users who either don't have Flash or would like to explore KartOO's search string manipulation without participating in an experiment in information architecture.

Future Criminals

Given the shift of agencies like the FBI from investigating crime to preventing crime, is this really a surprise? Police in Delaware are now maintaining a database of future criminals, i.e. people who haven't committed a crime but who they suspect are likely to do so.
