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AllPsych Online: The Virtual Psychology Classroom

For instructors or students looking for material on many aspects of psychology, the AllPsych Online site may prove to be indispensable. The site was started in 1999, and it contains eight primary sections which cover everything from classic psychology studies to an extensive reference area. First-time visitors may wish to start by looking through the "Reference" area, which features an expanded...
American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association (APA) is the primary professional organization that represents the interests of a wide variety of psychology professionals, including those working in the fields of clinical, behavioral, and experimental psychology. There's a great deal of interest for both professional psychologists and students of psychology here, including the popular "Monitor on...
American Psychological Association Help Center

The American Psychological Association (APA) Help Center offers useful facts, information, and advice on how psychological services can help people cope with problems such as stress, depression, family strife, or chronic illness. The site provides sections devoted to psychology in the workplace, the health implications of the mind/ body connection, family and personal relationships, and psychology...
American Psychological Society: Psychological Research on the Net

Posted by the American Psychological Society (see the May 6, 1994 Scout Report), this Website presents an extensive annotated list of psychological research currently being conducted on the Web. In addition to a new studies section, topics include health psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, personality studies, psychology and religion, sensation and perception, social psychology,...
C.G. Jung, Analytical Psychology, and Culture

C.G. Jung, Analytical Psychology, and Culture is a publishing site on the World Wide Web devoted to Jungian psychology and related fields. Articles, papers, book and film reviews, Jungian directories, course listings and other announcements are available.
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence

Founded in 1996 with support from the Fetzer Institute, the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence is dedicated to advancing the research and practice related to emotional intelligence in organizations. With 25 current members from a variety of fields ranging from academic appointments to consultants, the Consortium continues to fulfill its mandate to "study all that is known about...
Great Ideas in Personality: Psychology Theory and Research

Created and maintained by G. Scott Acton, a PhD in psychology from Northwestern University, this site functions as a gateway to materials relating to personality theory. The Website offers introductory, often hypertext essays on various topics in personality theory followed by an annotated listing of relevant links. Some of the topics covered include attachment theory, basic emotions, behavior...
Introduction to Psychology

Psychology is a vast and complex area of inquiry, and students entering the field may be confounded by the number of subfields within the discipline. Professor Russell A. Dewey of Georgia Southern University has created this fine online introductory textbook that covers everything from states of consciousness to social psychology. The online text includes sixteen chapters, and each chapter...
Monitor on Psychology

Published eleven times a year by the American Psychological Association, the Monitor on Psychology contains a number of helpful pieces for those persons interested in the broad field of psychology, and for those who may be thinking about going into the field as well. Each month features a number of helpful features, including a commentary from the APA's president, an update on psychology and...
National Institute of Mental Health: Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Developed as a public service by the National Institute of Mental Health, this Web site contains a wealth of materials that will be very useful to mental health practitioners, parents, and those who work with young people in any capacity. First-time visitors will want to read the brief notes on the mental health of children and adolescents, as well as the section dealing with the treatment of...
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