installing CWIS on RHEL

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installing CWIS on RHEL

Dear friends at Internet Scout,

I'm having trouble installing CWIS on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
with PHP 5.4.16 (cli) (built: Dec  6 2013 01:17:01)
Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

After entering parameters into the CWIS 3.0.1 Installation webpage,
and then clicking the "Begin installation" button, all I see is a webpage stating "CWIS 3.0.1 Installation."
see the screenshot:

Browser flavor doesn't seem to  matter.

Previously I had an issue where cwis directory was not writable, but there's been no errors written to the CWIS install log since a few days ago:
[xxxx@hmmldev logs]$ tail -n40 install.log
2014-02-19 19:34:31  ERROR: Directory /var/www/html/cwis/ is not writable.

The recent Apache log file only states,
File does not exist: /var/www/html/favicon.ico
but I don't think that matters.

Any tips or suggestions would be most helpful.
-William Straub

PS I worked as an intern with Scout several years ago, and still look back fondly on the experience. Say hello to everyone including Rachael, Ed, and Corey for me.

Re: installing CWIS on RHEL

Hm.  It's pretty odd that no error is being reported at all.  It should at least say something.  If there's some CWIS bug getting in the way of error logging, we'll definitely want to fix that.

If you check the three 'Verbosity' boxes on the lower right of the installation webpage prior to clicking 'begin install', does that result in any more output?

It could also be the case that something in your PHP configuration is preventing errors from being logged.  You can check by creating a file (let's call it info.php) in the root folder of your site containing just the line:

<?PHP phpinfo(); ?>

Then, load http://YOURSITE/PATH/TO/CWIS/info.php in your browser and examine the output. Settings of particular interest are display_errors, error_reporting, and log_errors .

The favicon.ico complaint is definitely unrelated.

I've passed along your greetings to the other Scouts; everyone says "Hi" back.

Re: installing CWIS on RHEL

Thanks for the info, but no luck.

>> three 'Verbosity' boxes on the lower right of the installation webpage prior to clicking 'begin install', does that result in any more output?

three 'Verbosity' boxes don't seem to help

according to my php info:

display_errors on

error_log set to a file and path

error_reporting 22527

log_errors on


same results with CWIS logo displaying after clicking "Begin installation" button.


Any other suggestions? Thanks