There is a function in Resource.php that is puzzling me.
private function RemoveAssociation($TableName, $FieldName, $Value, $Field = NULL)
# start out assuming no association will be removed
$AssociationRemoved = FALSE;
# convert value to array if necessary
$Values = is_array($Value) ? $Value : array($Value);
# for each value
foreach ($Values as $Value)
# retrieve ID from value if necessary
if (is_object($Value)) { $Value = $Value->Id(); }
# remove any intersections with target ID from DB
$this->DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".$TableName
." WHERE ResourceId = ".intval($this->Id)
.($Field ? " AND FieldId = ".intval($Field->Id()) : "")
." AND ".$FieldName." = ".intval($Value));
# report to caller whether association was added
return $AssociationRemoved;
Where is $AssociationRemoved ever set to TRUE?
(There is an analogous structure (I think) in AddAssociation where $AssociationAdded is explicitly set to TRUE.)
Looks like a bug, though I'm not sure of the practical impact, since I think the return value of that method is usually not checked. Anyway it's fixed in the patch that I uploaded in this thread.