trouble browsing when logged in as a non-admin

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trouble browsing when logged in as a non-admin

When logged in as a non-admin in Chrome (Version 38.0.2125.111 m) or Firefox (version 31.0) I'm having trouble browsing the resources using the Browse Resource tab. I can get to the page of all the classifications but when I try to click on one of the classifications, I can't actually get to the links to the resources.

I am running CWIS Version 3.0.0. 

Re: trouble browsing when logged in as a non-admin

Could you have this user edit and then save their user preferences and let me know if that resolves the issue?

I was able to find a bug wherein new user's Records Per Page preference could be initialized to zero. When this happens, the Browse page breaks as you describe.  If this is the problem you're experiencing, the above should resolve it.  If not, I have more digging to do. :)

And in either case, a fix for the issue I found will be in the next CWIS release.

Re: trouble browsing when logged in as a non-admin

So I logged in as a non-admin where I had duplicated the reported problem. I went to Preferences. It was already set to show 10 articles per page. I re-saved this preference. And now it works. 

The problem was reported to me by another user. Is there a way I can ensure that no one's Preferences are messed up?

Re: trouble browsing when logged in as a non-admin

Yes. Run the following SQL:

UPDATE APUsers SET RecordsPerPage=10 WHERE RecordsPerPage IS NULL;



As for the Preferences page showing 10 -- on that page (and most others), when the user hadn't set a RecordsPerPage preference it would display the system default.  The browse page lacked that check, and would interpret NULL as meaning zero.