3.1.1 installation failure

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3.1.1 installation failure

New installation of CWIS 3.1.1.

PHP Version 5.4.38

MySQL server version: 5.6.23


The display stops at: Loading sample records...

Errors logged are:

[23-Mar-2015 18:13:44 UTC] PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/cwis/public_html/installcwis.php:227) in /home/cwis/public_html/lib/ScoutLib/ApplicationFramework.php on line 43

[23-Mar-2015 18:13:46 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function GetFieldByName() on a non-object in /home/cwis/public_html/objects/Resource.php on line 981


Help? :)

Re: 3.1.1 installation failure

I've just tested installation of 3.1.1 with PHP v5.4.38 and mysql v5.6.23 and did not encounter the problem you describe.  From that error, it looks like creation of one (or more) of the metadata fields failed (possibly silently?).

What do you get back from SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'; ?  We've found that some distributions have started including STRICT_TRANS_TABLES in their configuration for this paramter, which can cause some of the INSERTs that CWIS uses to fail. If that's not the problem, could you rerun the installation with maximum verbosity and email the result to me (chalpin AT scout.wisc.edu)?  Thanks.

Re: 3.1.1 installation failure

The output of 





What should we do to get around this problem?

Re: 3.1.1 installation failure

There are a couple of possible approaches to deal with this. If you can edit the my.cnf file, then the simplest thing is likely to add sql-mode='' inside your [mysqld] section. This is the approach I've taken for this problem, and it is known to work. :)

If you cannot edit my.cnf, then it should also work to add mysql_query("SET sql_mode=''", $this->Handle); after line 67 of Axis--Database (the mysql_select_db() call).

For the next release of CWIS, we're updating our database schema so that it will work in STRICT_TRANS_TABLES mode without the need for any modifications.

Re: 3.1.1 installation failure

Modifying Axis--Database worked; thanks!

(once I also commented out the checksum check)