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Computer science

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Web-based instruction (1)


AI Topics: A Dynamic Library of Introductory Information About Artificial Intelligence

This site, operated by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), is a great starting point for people who want to learn more about the rapidly growing world of artificial intelligence (AI). AI Topics acts as a central hub for an enormous collection of material that exists on the Web. The links given on the site offer a wide range of information, including basic definitions of...
Applied Soft Computing: Elsevier Science

Debuting in March 2001, Applied Soft Computing is the official, online journal of the World Federation on Soft Computing. The journal focuses on "Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, Rough Sets and other similar techniques to address real world complexities." Applications of soft computing are very diverse, ranging from pattern recognition to telecommunications. The most recent...
Ars Technica: CPU and Chipset Guide

An informative collection of articles on computer hardware and operation is presented by Ars Technica. Many of the more recent articles (July 2002 to February 2003) have shifted from focusing on specific technologies and platforms to explaining basic principles of computer architecture. This includes "pipelining and superscalar execution," bandwidth and latency, multithreading, and CPU caching....
Atrevida: Game Programming Tutorials

Although it is labeled as an introduction to PC game programming, the tutorials given on Atrevida additionally cover many aspects of mathematics and general computer science. A modest background in the C language is suggested, but many of the sections involve more theory than actual programming. There are nearly twenty topics that explain basic computer operation, graphics programming, and the...
BEARS conference UC Berkeley

The Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS) is a conference hosted by UC Berkeley's Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences department in the College of Engineering. This website provides the agenda for the 2005 BEARS (held on February 10 and 11) along with information on the presenters and abstracts and video footage of their presentations. The conference highlights work from EECS...
Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)

Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) is a collaborative project between Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Princeton University, AT&T Labs - Research, Bell Labs, Telcordia Technologies, and NEC Laboratories America. Affiliate members include Avaya Labs, HP Labs, IBM Research, and Microsoft Research. Their focus is on the development, application and...

CiteSeer has been around since 1997, when it was first created at the NEC Research Institute at Princeton University. It was the first digital library and search engine to provide automated citation indexing and citation linking using the method of autonomous citation indexing. The library is primarily focused on the literature in computer and information science, and the project partners include...

How does one learn how to code? It can be complicated, but Codeacademy lifts the veil on the mystery behind this important modern craft and skill. On the site, visitors can go ahead and get started by typing in their username. After this, visitors can click on the Learn area to find out more about programming for JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and jQuery. An area at the bottom of the main page links to...
Computational Science Center

The Brookhaven Computational Science Center is a collaborative project among researchers in biology, chemistry, physics, and medicine working with applied mathematicians and computer scientists "to exploit the remarkable opportunities for scientific discovery which have been enabled by modern computers." The Center is filling a need for upgrading the computing infrastructure within the Brookhaven...
Computer Aided Instruction Project

Central Connecticut State University maintains several tutorials and lecture notes about different programming languages and mathematics. Some of the material, most notably the Introduction to Assembly Language, is primarily intended for computer science students. However, much of the site can be useful for anyone; programming guides for Java and QuickBasic are provided, as well as tutorials on...
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