CWIS 2.4.1 Released

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CWIS 2.4.1 Released

CWIS version 2.4.1 has been released, and is now available for download on the Scout site.

This is a bug fix release, that addresses a number of issues.  Though no significant new functionality has been added, all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade.

The following plugins have been updated as well:

  • AutoScreenshot
  • BrowserCapabilities
  • Captcha
  • Folders
  • GoogleMaps
  • Mailer
  • MetricsReporter
  • OAIPMHServer
  • OpenId
  • Pages
  • Tags
  • UrlChecker
  • phpBBSync
  • AccountPruner

Updated versions of these are included in the CWIS 2.4.1 release and are available for download on the individual plugin pages.

CWIS 2.4.1 requires PHP 5.0.5 or newer and MySQL 5.0 or newer.  Sites running CWIS 1.4.0 or SPT 1.4.0 or later can upgrade directly to 2.4.1;  sites running versions prior to 1.4.0 will first need to upgrade to 1.4.0 and then to 2.4.1.

After installing the new version, we would ask that you use the Register with Scout feature on the Administration menu to let us know you're using the new version of software.  It really helps us determine what kind of operating environments the software is running in, and where next to go with development.

We look forward to your feedback on this new version of CWIS.